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Decisions of the USSR leadership


The main decisions adopted in the USSR in connection with the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict 

March 23, 1988 - the decision of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR rejected the proposal of giving an integral part of Azerbaijan Nagorno-Garabagh Autonomous Oblast to Armenian SSR. 
July 18, 1988 - the decision of the Presidium of the USSR Supreme Soviet once again confirmed that the Nagorno-Garabagh Autonomous Oblast was an integral part of the Azerbaijan SSR. This decision was adopted connection with the decision of the Nagorno-Garabagh Autonomous Oblast (NGAO) dated July 12 on cessation from Azerbaijan.  
September 21, 1988 - A state of emergency was declared in NGAO by Moscow. This measure was actually the first step and the wrong decision in the direction of taking the region out of Azerbaijan’s control. 
January 12, 1988 - Moscow made a decision on the establishment of the Special Executive Committee under the leadership of Arkadi Volski (XIK). This decision was a next illegal step towards taking the region our of Azerbaijan’s subordination.  
November 28, 1989 - the Supreme Soviet of the USSR adopted a decision "On measures to set up a normal situation in the Nagorno-Garabagh Autonomous Province" 
January 10, 1989 - the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR adopted the decision "On the variance of Acts of Armenian SSR Supreme Soviet on Nagorno-Karabakh dated Dec 1, 1989 and Jan 9, 1990 with the  Constitution of the USSR". It stated that the decisions of the Supreme Soviet of the Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic dated Dec 7, 1989 "On uniting of the Armenian SSR and Nagorno-Garabagh" and “On inclusion of social development plan of NGAO to state plan on social development of the Armenian SSR in 1990” dated Jan 9, 1990 are not in conformity to the decisions of the USSR Constitution and shall not be valid in the territory of the republic in accordance with Article 74 of the Constitution of the USSR. 
January 15, 1990 - the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR has accepted the decree "On declaration of the state of emergency in Nagorno-Garabagh Autonomous Province and some other regions". According to this decree the state of emergency was declared in NGAO, adjacent regions of Azerbaijan SSR to it, in Gorus region of Armenian SSR, as well in the territory of the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic along the border zone of the USSR state border. 
March 5, 1990 - the Supreme Soviet of the USSR adopted the decision “On the measures to normalize the situation and conditions in the Armenian SSR and Azerbaijan SSR".

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