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EU document, Sep 3, 1993


European Political Cooperation. Statement on Nagorno-Karabakh
Brussels, 3 September 1993

The Community and its member States condemn the recent offensives by local Armenian forces in
Nagorno-Karabakh, which are making deeper and deeper incursions into Azerbaijani territory. They note
with regret that such actions are extending the area of armed conflict to encompass more and more of
Azerbaijani territory and are creating a very serious refugee problem in Azerbaijan and one already
involving neighbouring countries, with a concomitant increased threat to regional security.
The Community and its member States reaffirm their support for the territorial integrity and
sovereignty of the States in the region.
The Community and its member States fully support the efforts being made by the Minsk Group
within the framework of the CSCE to consolidate the provisional ceasefire decided on 31 August 1993
between the Nagorno-Karabakh Authorities and the Azerbaijan Government. They urge both parties to
embark on any form of additional dialogue which would make it possible to implement the timetable on
which there was agreement in principle by all parties at the end of June.
The Community and its member States also hope to see local Armenian forces in Nagorno-
Karabakh fully respect United Nations Security Council Resolutions No. 822 and No. 853, and withdraw
from the regions of Kelbadjar, Agdam, Fizouli and Djebrail. The Community and its member States have
no evidence that Azerbaijan would be capable of initiating major attacks from these regions.
The Community and its member States call on the Government of the Republic of Armenia to use
its decisive influence over the Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh to see that they comply with Security
Council Resolutions No. 822 and No, 853 and the proposals of the CSCE Minsk Group. The Community
and its member States call upon Armenia to ensure that the local Armenian forces carrying out offensives in Azerbaijan territory are not given the material means of further extending such offensives.

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