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Poets and writers of Garabagh


Gasim bey Zakir (1784-1857)
Gasim bey Zakir was born in Shusha. He is descendant of the Javanshirs, well known in Karabakh. He was mainly known as a master of satire. Zakir’s satires mainly turned into anti-colonial laws, the tsar rulers and tsarism regulations. The most severe criticism in Zakir’s satires aimed against those who suppressed rights of innocents and the weak.
The importance of fables in the realist creation of Zakir is exceptional. His fables like "Lion, wolf and jackals", "Camel and donkey", "Fox and wolf", " on traitor comrades" ("Snake, Camel, Turtle"), "Fox and the Lion", "On faithful friends" ("Turtle , Crow, Rodent, Gazelle") are read with interest even now.

Mirza Baybaba Fena (1787 - mid-XIX century)
Mirza Baybaba Fena was born in Shusha. He received his education in madrasah. As he was educated he titled as the clerk. He worked as a secretary at Karabakh khan. Mirza Fena was also a good calligrapher. He compiled collection of poets of Shusha. He copied few books. He was a poet and written poems under the pseudonym "Fena". He was the father of poetess Fatma khanum Kamine. Mirza Baybaba wrote a pamphlet to Qasim bey Zakir.

Asad bey Vezir, writer (1824-1873)
Asad Bey Vezirov was born in Mirzajamally settlement of Karabakh. He received an excellent education in madrasah. He was a member of the Assembly "Dizaq poets". He contested with friend Mir Mehdi Khazani. Besides being a landowner he was engaged in doctoral activity.

Khurshid Banu Natavan (1832)
Well-known poet-woman Khurshudbanu Natavan (the last ruler of the Karabakh Javanshir Mehdiqulu Khan's daughter, Ibrahimkhalil Khan's grandson) was born in Shusha. As being the last successor of Karabakh khanates she was called in palace as "One pearl" among the people as "Khan's daughter".
Kh. Natavan wrote gazals and rubais. Her works are distinguished with deep sincerity, by the gentle lyricism. In poems of an example of the high craftsmanship she used skillfully takrir, qoshma, radif, metaphor, etc. means of artistic skill.

Mashadi Mahmud beyVezirov (1839-1902)
Mashadi Mahmud bey Vezirov was born in the town of Shusha. He got the primary education under the mullah, and then studied at the madrasa. When he grew he was engaged in commerce.
M. Vezirov was also a poet. He wrote in classic style with the name of Mahmud in Turkish and Persian languages.

Fatma khanum Kamine (1841-1898)
Poetess Fatma khanum Kamine was born in Shusha. Fatma khanum had interest in the poetry since the childhood. She is also one of the female ashugs of XIX century. Her father, Mirza Baybaba was the poet and wrote poems under the pseudonym “Fena". Fatma khanum knew the Persian language perfectly and also wrote poems in this language. At that time, Fatma khanum was one of the most famous 3-5 poetesses. But her poems mainly written in classical form reached us.

Abdullah bey Asi (Fuladov) (1841-1874)
Abdullah bey Asi was born in Shusha. He was intellectual, poet, and thinker of own time. He got his education in Shusha. He know perfectly Arabic, Persian, Russian language, and chigatay language due to reading Navai, and even wrote few ghazals in this language. He was a member of Majlis-faramushasan. His few works have been saved.

Najaf bey Vezirov (1854-1926)
Najaf bey Vezirov was born in the town of Shusha. In 1874 he entered the Moscow Academy of Natural sciences Petrovski-Razumovski forest and forestry department. In June 1878 N. Vezirov graduated from the Academy and with assignment was sent to the Caucasus. He worked as a forester in different regions.
N. Vezirov was a person with an important role in the creation and development of Azerbaijan's national theater. With “Musibati Fakhreddin” work he founded the genre of tragedy in the Azerbaijani literature. In addition, he created classical works like "Out of the pan into the fire" (“Yagishdan chixdiq yaghmura dushduk”), "Pahlavan-like time".

Abdurahim bey Hagverdiyev (1870-1933)
Abdurahim bey Hagverdiyev was born in Shusha in bey family. Abdurrahim Bey went to Petersburg to get higher education in 1891, and was admitted to the Institute of Road Engineers. At the same time, he listened to the debates on Oriental languages and literature at the Oriental faculty of the University of St. Petersburg as a listener, interested in Muslim history and culture. He was engaged in the teaching, as well as made directing in theaters for the performances. A. Hagverdiyev enriched our national dramaturgy in terms of the idea and poetry-art with writing "Bekhtsiz javan" (Unlucky young) (1900) and "Peri-jadu" (Magic peri) (1901) tragedies. At the same time he is the author of other works like "My deer”, "Letters of Fire of satan", "Sheikh Shaban", "Dreams", "Hungry guys".

Suleyman Sani Akhundov (1875-1939)
Suleyman Sani Akhundov was born in Shusha in bey family. He was Azerbaijani playwright, writer of children's literature and teacher. The first literary work - "Greedy” was written in 1899. During 1912-1913 S. Akhundov wrote the book in five-part "Terrible tales". During the Soviet Union these tales had gained great popularity for dedicating to poverty and injustice in the world of children's literature. In works written after 1920, S. Akhundov continued to take criticize the cruelty, old conservative traditions and backwardness.

Yusif Vazir Chamanzaminli (1887-1943)
Yusif Vazir Chamanzaminli was born in the town of Shusha. He was admitted in Law faculty of the Imperial University named after St. Vladimir in Kiev in 1910.
After the establishment of an independent Ukraine, the Republic of Azerbaijan Democratic Republic has appointed him as the diplomatic representatives in Ukraine. In 1919, Y.V.Chamanzaminli was appointed as first ambassador of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic to Turkey.
 Y.V.Chamanzaminli published novels “Spring of Girls", "Students", "1917". In 1937, he wrote a famous novel "In blood" 
Y. Chamanzaminli was subjected to repression 1937-38 and died in the camp in Russia's Nizhny Novgorod province, station Sukhobezvodnaya.

Ilyas Efendiyev (1914-1996)
The outstanding Azerbaijan writer and dramatist I. Efendiyev was born in Fizuli region. He published novels and plays like "Bridge builders" / 1960 /, " The three friends behind the mountains " / 1963 /, "Tale of Sarykoynak and Valeh" / 1976-78 /, "Don’t look back, the old" / 1980 /, "Uchatilan" / 1981 / and at the same wrote interesting dramas (“My fault "/ 1967 /," I can not forget "/ 1968 /,"Destroyed diaries "/ 1969 /," Strange man "/ 1973 /," Voice from the gardens"/ 1976 /). With "You are always with me" / 1964 / play he laid the foundation of lyrical and psychological dramas in Azerbaijan.

Bayram Bayramov (1918-1994)
Bayram Bayramov was born in the village of Sivand of Aghdam region. His the people’s writer of Azerbaijan. He was an active public figure. He is the author of "Single man", "Leaves", "Without You", "Her eyes" novels and plays.

Alfi Qasimov (1927-1985)
Alfi Qasimov was born in Aghdam region. His first book of essays "At the bottom of our husbands" was published in 1954. After that, his books like "Student brigades" (1960), " Fire Heart" (1962), "Dnepr Hero" (1963), "Caravan of Stars" (1967), "Though hair get white" (1970) won the readers’ sympathy.

Sabir  Ahmadli (1930-2009)
Sabir Ahmadli was born in  Jabrayil region. His "Aran", "Stairs", "Invisible waves", "Slope sign", "Togan," "The world's size", "January stories", "The spirit of martyrs", etc. books has been published. His works had been always welcomed by the readers with a great interest.

Shahmar Akbarzade (1941-2000)
Well-known poet, publicist Shahmar Akbarzade was born in Aghdam. Worked in the press for a long time he was awarded with "Araz", "Golden Pen" awards. He won the sympathy of the readers with lyric, patriotic motivated poems. 

Chingiz Alioglu (1944)
Chingiz Alioglu was born in Fizuli region. He is a poet, translator.
He began the artistic creativity with "Memories" poem published in "Young pens" (1967) collection. He is published regularly in press with poems, stories, literary and artistic interpretation, and journalistic articles. He is the author of dozens of books of poems.

Seyran Sakhavat (1946)
Seyran Sakhavat was born in Fizuli region.
He began the creative activity with poems, stories and articles published in media since 1962. His works have been translated into languages of the peoples of the former Soviet Union and a number of foreign languages. His plays "Golden test", "Bust", " The world on other side of doors" were staged.
S. Sakhavat is an author of the books "Islands" (poems), "My planet" (poems), "Everybody knew that" (stories and narrative), "Stone houses" (novel), "Golden test" (narratives, stories), "Obituary"(novel), etc.  

Chingiz  Abdullayev (1959)
Being  originally from Shusha Ch.Abdullayev is a well-known writer, publicist, author of world-famous detective novels.  The products of the writer's pen like "Passage from the hell" "No way back", "Create your own world", "Incredible murder", "Death on the Atlantic", "Hammurapi’s Code", "Attempt at the beginning of BC," and other historical detectives  are popular around the world.

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