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Mirza Hasan bey (1791-1840)
Mirza Hasan bey (Mirza Hasan bey Mirza Jafar Aga oglu Vezirov) was born in the town of Shusha. He knew Arabic, Persian and Russian languages. He went to Sheki khanate and started to work there in new Russian chancellery opened in Nuha town. He was a teacher.

Mir Mehdi Khazani (1819-1894)
Mir Mehdi Khazani was born in the village Mamar of Bargushad-Karabakh region (now Khojavend).  He has been teaching in the villages of the present Khojavand region. Loving his mother tongue deeply had written a short work for children in Azerbaijani related to Muslim religion and it was published in 1884. M. Mehdi was a historian and poet. The most important place in his creation is occupied by of "Kitabi-tarikhi-Karabakh".

Kharrat Gulu (1823-1883)
Kharrat Gulu lived in the town of Shusha. In 70-es of XIX century the founder of the first music school in Shusha was Kharrat Gulu. He knew perfectly both classical and folk music and even wrote poems. Kh. Gulu has a beautiful voice. In spite of the religious purpose of the majlis, occupied a certain place in the development of the singing and instrumental music. From those majlis artists like Haji Husi, Mashadi Isi, Sadıqjan, Abdul Bagi Zulalov, Jabbar Garyagdioglu, Kechachiglu Mohammed.

Mir Mohsen Navvab Garabaghi (1833-1918)
Navvab Garabaghi was  poet, painter, calligrapher, musician and is encyclopedic scholar lived and created in the city of Shusha. N. Garabaghi  first of all is known as musician, an author of "Vuzuhul-arqam" ("Explanation of figures") risala, written in Azerbaijani language. This work is one of the last works of this kind written in the spirit of the best classical traditions of the East.

Hasanali Khan Qaradagi (1848-1929)
Hasanali Khan Qaradagi was born in Shusha. He was enlightener of Azerbaijan, poet, teacher, literary critic, translator, linguist, historian, calligrapher and theater worker.

Farhad bey Rustam bey oglu Vezirov (1853-1912)
Farhad bey Vezirov was born in Shusha. He graduated from the Russian-Tatar school in Shusha. He worked as police officer assistant and translator in the city of Shusha. After retiring he opened village school in Zumurkhaj of Barda region, which was under private ownership and was engaged in agriculture. He was a teacher.

Mirza Bashir Yusifzade (1868 -?)
Teacher and spiritual leader Mirza Bashir Yusifzade (Mirza Abbas, son) was born in Shusha. He was a teacher in Shusha Nikolayevsk Turkish-Russian School. In 1989 with the request of city Muslim society the school teachers was given civil servant status.

Husein bey Rustambeyov (1878 -?)
Teacher Huseinali bey Rustambeyov was born in Shusha. He studied in Shusha Real School. Graduated from Yerevan Seminary of teachers. H. Rustambeyov had opened in September 19, 1895 a school of the third degree in Shusha. Students studying in the schools of this type, consisting of two years, within these two years perfectly learned Azerbaijani and Russian languages.

Khosrov Mirzali oglu Akhundzade (1889-1960)
Khosrov Akhundzade was born in the city of Shusha.
Kh. Akhundzade worked as teacher from 1906 to 1913 in “Narimaniyya", "Nashri-maarif, etc. schools of Shusha. He was a teacher in school No 5 of Shusha during 1913-1917. In 1920, his contributed in the organization of Shusha "Hashimiyya" school.
He engaged in creative activity in literature for 54 years, and was known in the world of literature with "Shaig" pseudonym.

Farida Shamil kizi Vezirova (1921-1986)
Farida Vezirova Garyagin (now Fizuli) was born Sardarli. In 1942 she went to the army as a volunteer with the call of komsomol, as ordinary fighter fought in the army, worked as a signalman. After being demobilized she continued education. She was senior lecturer, associate professor, then a professor of BSU, Department philology of History chair of Azerbaijan literature. 

Firudin Mohammed oglu Shushinski (Hasanov) (1925 -)
Firudin Shushinski was born in the town of Shusha. He was a teacher, musician and scholar. F.Shusinski graduated from high school with excellent marks, and was admitted to the faculty of history of Azerbaijan State University.
He was Azerbaijan music researcher, and the well-known musician studied the music till the end of his life. He is the author of books on music studies as musician-scientist.

Safarali bey Velibeyov (1856-1902)
Safarali bey Velibeyov was born in Shusha. He was the educational worker and teacher. S.Velibayov is one of the outstanding figures of Azerbaijani pedagogical history of the XIX century. He was one of the first three Azerbaijanis graduated from Trans-Caucasus (Gori) gymnasium. S.Velibeyov had spent 18 years of life to pedagogical work. During this period, he trained dozens of talented young specialists 

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