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Khojaly is in the Khojaly town of Azerbaijan. The population is 24,417 people. In this city with the territory rich with ancient architectural and first cultural monuments there are the mausoleum (XIV century), the circular tomb (1356-1357-years), necropolis, around the end of the Bronze Age and early Iron Age, burial mounds, etc. In cemetery of Khojaly the archaeological monuments, and mounds of stone boxes, pottery vessels of different types, weapons (sword, dagger, spear and arrow head, ax), gold , bronze, cockle-shell, agate, made of glass, jewelry, and bronze tools were found belonging to the Bronze Age and early Iron Age (eəVIII-VII centuries).
Between the city Khojaly and Askeran settlement, at right and left banks of Qarqarchay the Askeran fortress of XVIII century is located. The castle contained of two fortresses was built by Karabakh Khan Panahali khan. 1 medical institution, 54 cultural centers were operated in Khojaly region.
Khojaly region established on the basis of Askeran region on November 26, 1991. Territory of the region was occupied by Armenian armed forces during 1991-1992. In February 26, 1992, in the town of Khojaly Armenians committed genocide of the century.
Currently the city is under Armenian occupation.


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