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Zourna musical instrument with a strong and clarion sound is widespread in Azerbaijan and has its own place in our cultural life.  Zourna is from word "surnay" and sur - "great party", “nay” -  "reed". 
Its different types are wide-spread among the peoples of the Middle East and the Caucasus. During archeological excavations carried out  in one of the most ancient human settlements in the territory of  Mingachevir the four pieces of pipe have been found  made of deer horn. According to scientists, these tools made of high taste, are three thousand years old.
In particular, it is made from apricot, walnut and mulberry trees by carving. The total length is 302-317 mm. Main parts of the body is  20 mm, and extended downwards, reaches 60-65 mm. Diapason of zourna is from small octave "si bemol" to the third-octave "do" sound. Depending on skill of artist it is possible to add few sounds, too. The sounds called by performers as “envoy sounds".
Zourna, mainly, is widely used in the open air folk celebrations. This instrument had "black zourna", "Arabi zourna", "Jura zourna", "Ajami zourna", "qaba zourna", "shahabi zourna" historically existed types. In particular, it is played in wind instruments ensemble. In the folk instruments’ ensemble and as a solo instrument, as well as in the composition of orchestras it is used in some dances and other musical pieces. U.Hajibayov has been added  zourna in composition of orchestra in  "Koroglu" opera. 

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