Home page   » OCCUPIED TERRITORIES    » Lachin   



Date of establishment – 08.08.1930 
Area - 1.36 ths. sq.. km 
Population - 72.0 thousand people (January 1, 2008) 
Population density - 1 square. km - 39 people (January 1, 2008) 
Cities - 1 
Villages - 125 
Settlements - 1 
Administrative-territorial area - 49 
Municipalities - 0 
The number of large and medium-sized enterprises - 133 
Number of preschool children enterprises - 3 
General education schools - 101 
Technical, secondary and vocational schools - 2 
Hospitals and medical enterprises - 20 
Cultural institutions  - 217 
The distance between Baku and Lachin region - 414 km
Since 17.05. 1992 it is under Armenian occupation. 

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