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Statement of UNO Security Council, May 12, 1992


Following consultations among members of the Security Council the President of the Council made the following statement, on behalf of the Council, at its 3027th meeting, on 12 May 1992, in connection with the Council's consideration of the item entitled: "The situation relating to Nagorno-Karabakh".
The Members of the Security Council are deeply concerned by recent reports on the deterioration of the situation relating to Nagorno-Karabakh and by violations of cease-fire agreements which have caused heavy losses of human life and widespread material damage, and by their consequences for the countries of the region.
The Members of the Security Council commend and support the efforts undertaken within the framework of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), as well as other efforts aimed at assisting the parties in arriving at a peaceful settlement and at providing humanitarian assistance.
They welcome the urgent dispatch by the Secretary-General of a mission to the region for fact- finding and to study ways and means to speedily assist the efforts undertaken within the framework of the CSCE to help the parties to reach a peaceful settlement. This mission will also include a technical element to look into ways the international community could provide prompt humanitarian assistance.
The Members of the Security Council call upon all concerned to take all steps necessary to bring the violence to an end, to facilitate the work of the Secretary General's mission and to ensure the safety of its personnel. They recall the statements made on their behalf by the President of the Council on 29 January
(S/23496) and 14 February 1992 (S/23597) on the admission respectively of Armenia and Azerbaijan to the United Nations, in particular the reference to the Charter principle relating to the peaceful settlement of disputes and non-use of force.

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