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Document of the SC of the UNO, Apr 26, 1995


At the 3525th meeting of the Security Council, held on 26 April 1995, in connection with the Council's
consideration of the item entitled "The situation relating to Nagorno-Karabakh", the President of the Security
Council made the following statement on behalf of the Council:
The Security Council has considered the reports (S/l995/249 and S/1995/321) of the Co-Chairmen of
the OSCE Minsk Conference on Nagorno-Karabakh presented in accordance with paragraph 8 of its resolution 884 (1993). It expresses its satisfaction that the cease-fire in the region agreed upon on 12 May 1994 through the mediation of the Russian Federation in cooperation with the OSCE Minsk Group has been
holding for almost a year.
At the same time, the Council reiterates the concern it has previously expressed at the conflict in and
around the Nagorno-Karabakh region of the Azerbaijani Republic and at the tensions between the Republic
of Armenia and the Azerbaijani Republic. In particular, it expresses its concern at recent violent incidents
and emphasizes the importance of using the mechanism of direct contacts for the settlement of incidents as
agreed upon on 6 February 1995. It strongly urges the parties to the conflict to take all necessary measures to
prevent such incidents in future.
The Council reaffirms all its relevant resolutions, inter alia, on the principles of sovereignty and
territorial integrity of all States in the region. It also reaffirms the inviolability of international borders and
the inadmissibility of the use of force for the acquisition of territory.
The Council reiterates its full support for the efforts of the Co-Chairmen of the Minsk Conference to
assist in conducting speedy negotiations for the conclusion of a political agreement on the cessation of the
armed conflict, the implementation of which will eliminate major consequences of the conflict for all parties,
inter alia, ensuring withdrawal of forces, and permit the convening of the Minsk Conference. The Council
stresses that the parties to the conflict themselves bear the main responsibility for reaching a peaceful
settlement. It stresses the urgency of concluding a political agreement on the cessation of the armed conflict
on the basis of the relevant principles of the Charter of the United Nations and of the OSCE. It strongly urges
those parties to constructively conduct negotiations without preconditions or procedural obstacles and to
refrain from any actions that may undermine the peace process. It emphasizes that the achievement of such
an agreement is a prerequisite for the deployment of a multinational OSCE peace-keeping force.
The Council welcomes the decision of the Budapest summit of the CSCE of 6 December 1994 on the
'Intensification of CSCE action in relation to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict' (S/l995/249, appendix). It
confirms its readiness to provide continuing political support, inter alia, through an appropriate resolution
regarding the possible deployment of a multinational OSCE peace-keeping force following agreement among
the parties for cessation of the armed conflict. The United Nations also stands ready to provide technical
advice and expertise.
The Council underlines the urgency of the implementation by the parties of confidence-building
measures, as agreed upon within the Minsk Group on 15 April 1994, in particular in the humanitarian field,
including the release of all prisoners of war and civilian detainees by the first anniversary of the cease-fire. It
calls upon the parties to prevent suffering of the civilian populations affected by the armed conflict.
The Council reiterates its request that the Secretary-General, the Chairman-in-Office of the OSCE and
the Co-Chairmen of the OSCE Minsk Conference continues to report to the Council on the progress of the
Minsk process and on the situation on the ground, in particular, on the implementation of its relevant
resolutions and on present and future cooperation between the OSCE and the United Nations in this regard.
The Council will keep the matter under consideration.

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