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Genocide of 1905-07 years


In Russian empire defeated in Russian-Japanese war the national revolts, including national liberation movements had occurred. In order to prevent these two factors tsarist Russia began to implement a policy of the rising of Russian chauvinism and killing of nation by hand of others.  It was decided to conduct thus policy first of all in the Caucasus. Armenians found the time and conditions to use such situation. Tsarist Russia armed secretly the Armenians and arranged the so-called in history “Armenian-Muslim fight" . The first clash between Armenians and Azerbaijanis began in Baku and then spread to Shusha, Zangezur, Yerevan, Tbilisi, Nakhchivan, Ordubad Echmiadzin, Javanshir, Kazakh provinces.
Since the beginning of the XX century, the "Armenian case" turned to be a powder barrel eady to explode in the South Caucasus.
The number of Turks villages in the Caucasus in 1905 was 5,910. Existing of 860 Moslem- Turk villages in Erivan province, 1,173 villages in Yelizavetpol province, 1,111 villages in Baku province caused a great anxiety at Armenian chauvinists. In general, there were 54 provinces in the South Caucasus at the beginning of the XX century. Armenians dominated only in five of them. Therefore, the Armenian armed forces attacked the villages where Azerbaijanis lived, killed the people, forced to remove and so made attempts to achieve the superiority, so to become able in the future to  establish Autonomy, to get the opportunity to create an independent Armenian state. The only way that these lands be Armenian, Dasnaks found in armed clashes. Therefore in different regions of North and South Azerbaijan, the Armenian organizations, local government armed Armenians and incited them in war against Azerbaijanis. 
After thorough preparation Armenians committed an act of massacre in the first days of February 1905 in Baku; very soon unrest in Yerevan became massive. Nakhichevan, Zangezur subjected to an attack of the Armenian armed forces. They destroyed villages, burn, killed with sword the innocent people. They local population had to leave the ancestral residence, turned to refugees. In one news from Yerevan it is said: "From each side corpses are brought to graveyard. Most of them are Muslims. The number of dead and wounded is increasing. All day the fire sounds are heard. A bomb was blown on a house of one Tartar, 24 people were died and wounded. In Tepebashi settlement the home of Tartars were bombed, many people have been killed. There are many killed in Zangi Valley. The Azerbaijanis are afraid to come on the streets. Many of them have left the city. ". The aim was to make them to leave the city. "Armenian case" was usually resolved in this way at the beginning of the XX century. Not only in the city of Yerevan but in all the towns of the province, where Azerbaijanis lived, the situation was same. In one news given by head of Echmiadzin  province it is said: "800 Toros Armenians attacked a Muslim village. The village was destroyed. 53 people killed and burnt. 27 people were wounded. Grass piles, grain areas of 255 villages were burnt. The same news also read: Dasnaksutyun party although appealed to the people for reconciliation to both peoples, but hidden it was carrying out terrorist actions."

In general, in the Armenian-Muslim clashes of years 1905-1906 Armenians razed to the ground more than 200 villages in Yerevan and Yelizavetpol provinces and the people subjected to genocide. "Dasnaqsutyun" party leaders sent instructions to all local organizations for settlement of 
"Armenian case”  and realize the "Great Armenia" dream, to destroy all Turk villages in Yerevan, Baku and Garabagh provinces, to clear these villages from the local population for once, that is, from Azerbaijanis. 
In the "Bloody years" work of well-known writer M.S.Ordubadi dedicated to Armenian-Muslim massacres of 1905-1906 it is written: "On 9 June 1905, the Armenians attacked the village of Takiya, where Azerbaijanis lived.  Muslims were completely unarmed but the Armenians were perfectly armed. Therefore, the inhabitants of the village had to leave the village, took their wife and  children and left for the mountains. The big house of Akhund Mohammad Ali Mirza Abdulhuseyn Qazızade was set a fire, two hundred volumes of Quran and the holy books of Islam were also set in fire. Although 9 well-known Azerbaijani villages were destroyed in Echmiadzin, the government did not take any action. "
At the same time the destruction of the Azerbaijani villages was the desire of imperial government.  And tsar officials was interested in oppressing of  rising national movement by arranging the hostility and from other side resettling of  emptied Moslem villages with Christians. On the same day Khalaj, Saldashy, Injavar, Dashnov villages were destroyed by the Armenians and the people were killed and tortured. Those who could escape sought refuge in the village Qatar. However, on August 1, 1906, the Armenians surrounded the village Qatar and opened a fire from all sides.  
After Armenian chauvinists destroyed Qatar village consisting of 750 houses,  3.500 people, they devastated  Turk villages located on the banks of the river Okhju, and the key to Zangezur Okhju, Shabadin, Araliq, Atqız and Pirdavdan villages have been looted.
All these events was an essence of the  severe policy carried out by the "Dasnaksutyun" and "Hnchak» parties in the way of realization of "Great Armenia" dream. To get the "Armenia without Turks” became the slogan of these parties by using nationalism, the great brutality.
The horror of Muslim massacre had covered all the Caucasus, Iran and Eastern Anatolia. On this occasion, the Governor of  Ganja  informed on August 9, 1907 to Petersburg that he had sent about “one hundred thousand’ troops against the poor Muslim villagers and refugees from Turkey and  local people who used to kill, almost all of them joined the army.
In general, there was not a single village in the 18 districts of Western Azerbaijan that stayed aside from the Armenian aggression. Since the late XIX century, there were 154 villages in district Daralayaz, from which 45 villages have been razed to the ground in 1905 and 1907. And the population of other villages escaped to Iran, Azerbaijan and Nakhchivan. 200 people were killed on the roads from Armenian shootings. 

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