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Brief chronology of Armenian occupation


The Armenians put forward territorial claims from the date of their resettlement to the territory of Azerbaijan and committed unbelievable invasions, but since early of XX century these invasions had a higher scale. Chronology of the historical tragedies is brought to your attention:

Brief chronology of aggression of Armenians:
May 29, 1918. Parliament of Azerbaijan (National Council) as a result of durable pressure of Entente countries made a decision to cede Irevan to Armenia.
(Fatali Khan Khoyski reports to National Council of the Azerbaijan on the issue. Kh. Khasmammadov, M.Y.Jafarov, A.Shiekhulislamov, M. Maharramov had a speech and stated impossibility of compromise of the city of Yerevan to the Armenians. Two days later, members of the National Council Mir Hidayat Seyidov, Bagir Rzayev and Nariman bay Narimanbeyov protested on giving of Yerevan to Armenians. However, at meeting held on June 1 the National Council of Azerbaijan does not accept this objection. At the same time the meeting decided to send a delegation to the city of Yerevan regarding comprising of city"
According to protocol of the meeting of the National Council dated May 29, 1918, from 28 listed people 20 voted for this decision and 1 against, and 3 were neutral. )
December 1, 1920. A large portion of Zangezur region was given to Armenia by decision of authorities in Moscow.
July 7, 1923. Daglyg Garabagh was given a status of autonomous region according to decision of
authorities in Moscow.
September 18, 1923. Name of Khankendi was changed to “Stepanakert”.
February 18, 1929. Based on decision of authorities in Moscow the territory of 657 sq.km belonged to Nakhchyvan Autonomous Republic – Gurdbulag, Goradiz, Ogbun, Almaly, Itgyran, Sultanbey,
Garseven, Kilid and other villages, as well as Nuvedi village of Zangilan region and forest lands of 4400 ha of Gazakh region were given to Armenia.
1930. Based on decision of authorities in Moscow some settlements of Nakhchyvan, such as Eldere,
Lekhvaz, Astazur and others, were given to Armenia and these areas formed Megri region.
1938. According to decision of authorities in Moscow the part of territories of villages Sadarak and Kerki of Nakhchyvan were given to Armenia.
November 28, 1945. Kh.Arutyunov, leader of Armenia appealed to Stalin with a request to annex
Daglyg Garabagh to Armenia.
1947-1953. According to decision of government of USSR over than 150 thousand Azerbaijani living densely in Armenia were moved to Azerbaijan.
1969. Part of territories of Garagel of Lachin region, Chayzemi of Gubadly region, village Kemerli of Gazakh region, territory of Zod goldfield of Kelbajar region were given to Armenia based on decision of authorities in Moscow.
1982. By decision of authorities in Moscow the summer pastures Injedere, part of territories of villages Kemerli, Aslanbeyli, Gaymagly of Gazakh region were given to Armenia.
1986. Territory of 2500 ha of Gazakh region by decision of authorities in Moscow was given to Armenia.
June 15, 1988. Supreme Soviet of Armenia adopts a decision on annexation of Daglyg Garabagh to
December 25, 1988. Deportation of over 250 thousand Azerbaijani from Armenia is mainly completed.
December 1, 1989. Supreme Soviet of Armenia adopts a decision on annexation of Daglyg Garabagh to Armenia.
January 18, 1990. Armed forces of Armenia occupied the village of Kerki of Nakhchyvan Autonomous Republic.
August 20, 1990. Armed forces of Armenia occupied village of Baganis Ayrim of Gazakh region. 5
villagers were burn alive in their own houses.
August 8, 1991. By order of authorities of Armenia the last Azerbaijani village in Armenia – Nuvedi has been devastated and population were beaten and expelled from Armenia.
January 15, 1992. The village of Kerkijahan was occupied.
February 10, 1992. Villages of Gushchular and Malybeyli were occupied.
February 13-17, 1992. Village of Garadagly of Khodjavend region was occupied.
February 25-26, 1992. Armenian bandit groupings together with 366 regiment of Russian army attacked and devastated the town of Khodjaly, fulfillng unseen genocide.
March 8, 1992. The village of Kheyrimli of Gazakh region was occupied.
March 12, 1992. Village Ashagy Eskipara of Gazakh region was occupied.
March 12, 1992. There were occupied the villages of Daglyg Garabagh: Syrkhavend, Garashlar,
Beshirler, Bash Guneypeye, Orta Guneypeye, Khatynbeyli, Manikli.
April 7, 1992. Agdaban village of Kelbajar region was occupied and put on fire.
April 27, 1992. Sofulu village of Gazakh region was occupied.
May 8, 1992. Shusha was occupied by armed forces of Armenia.
May 11, 1992. Village of Gyzyl Hajyly of Gazakh region was occupied.
May 18, 1992. Armed forces of Armenia occupied Lachyn.
June 8, 1992. Village of Eskipara of Gazakh region was occupied.
December 10-12, 1992. Occupation forces of Armenia captured village of Shayifly, Seyidler, Erkend, Bereli, Gazanchy, Gyungyshlaq, Pirveyisli, Janbar, Yukhary Gayaly of Gubadly and Zangilan regions.
March 27-28, 1993. Villages of Aggaya, Merjimek, Tezekend, Agjakend and Naryshlar of Kelbajar
region were occupied.
April 2, 1993. Armenia’s armed forces occupied Kelbajar region.
June 12-15, 1993. Villages of Aliagali, Alimamedli, Galaychylar were occupied.
June 25, 1993. Villages of Boyahmedli, Papravend of Agdam region were occupied.
June 26, 1993. Armenians occupied town of Agdere.
July 4, 1993. Villages of Arysh, Gochahmedly, Garajaly, Khatynbulag and Gorazilli of Fizuli region were occupied.
July 5, 1993. Shelli village of Agdam region was occupied.
July 21, 1993. Villages Muganly and Shykhbabaly of Agdam region were occupied.
July 22, 1993. Villages Merzili, Novruzlu, Yusifjanly, Giyasly, Khydyrly, Saryjaly and Muradbeyli of Agdam region were occupied.
July 23, 1993. Armenia’s armed forces occupied Agdam.
July 24, 1993. Village Juvarly of Fizuli region was occupied by armed forces of Armenia.
August 15, 1993. Villages of Ashagy Veyselli, Yukhary Yaglyvend of Fizuli region and villages Sur, Banazur, Gushchular and Gyshlag of Jebrail region were occupied.
August 23, 1993. Armed forces of Armenia occupied Fizuli.
August 23, 1993. Armed forces of Armenia occupied Jebrail.
August 31, 1993. Armed forces of Armenia occupied Gubadly.
October 28, 1993. Minjivan settlement of Zangilan region was occupied.
October 29, 1993. Armed forces of Armenia occupied Zangilan.

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