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Privileges given to Armenians


Until 1828, there were no Armenians in Baku, but in 1988, 170 thousand were registered and 130 thousand Armenians were non-registered. Total 500 thousand Armenians lived in republic. All these 500 thousand Armenians could capture high ranks in all trade, state departments and institutions. For a long time they were heads of Azerbaijan Communist Party Central Committee and the Baku city Committees (even the first secretaries), in the Central Executive Committee of the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic, the Supreme Soviet, the Soviet of People's Commissars, Council of Ministers as deputies, heads of departments, ministers, committee chairmen and in other important positions. Repressions carried out by them against Azerbaijani people during the years of repression in the thirtieth were much more that those committed in 1905-07, 1918 and 1920. The lowest position of Armenians in Azerbaijan was secretary, driving of cars of Secretary-General, Chairman of the Executive Committee. They occupied about 30% of the all positions starting from buffet of  till "Intourist" restaurants, militia offices, KGB and higher prosecutor's office, etc. Of these, the names of Armenians occupied high positions till 1988 is worthy to view.

The Armenians that occupied high positions until 1990 in Azerbaijan are the following:
1. A.A.Ayriyan - Minister of the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic on forest and wood processing industry;
2. V.N.Nersesian - the first secretary of Party Committee of Kirov district of Baku city,;
3. N. V. Qabrielian - vice-chairman of Azerittifaq;
4. A.S.Bejanian - the Prosecutor of Investigation Department's Office of the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic 
5. S.M.Q.Ohanjanian - 1st Deputy Chairman of the Union Azerkendkimya;
6. B.A.Ayrapetov - Deputy Chairman of the Baku City Executive Committee, Chairman of the Department of City Planning;
7. J.S.Sarkisova – Prosecutor of Baku city Office of the Prosecutor General, the Department of the consideration of criminal cases in the courts;
8. R.M.Qazarian – Prosecutor over the observance of the laws in Department of Correctional Labour 
9. N.A.Melkumian - the chief accountant of the Prosecutor's Office of the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic.
10. L.V.Ohanesian – head of the special and general unit of Baku city Prosecutor Office;
11. A.S.Qevorkian - Head of the utility service of  Prosecutor's Office of Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic; 
12. E.S.Qasparian - assistant prosecutor for the implementation of the control on Transport Laws;
13. E.S.Petrosian - Inspector General of Azerbaijan SSR Prosecutor's Office;
14. O.V.Parsadanov - the Prosecutor of the State Security Committee Department;
15. A.A.Arzumanian - Head of Baku Repair Construction Trust, deputy of Baku city Council 
16. A.S.Hambarsumov - member of the District Party Committee of Office of the Azerbaijan Communist Party of Lenin district, chairman of the party committee under the district Party Committee ;
17. R.S.Bagiryants - Deputy Chief of Khazarneftqazsanaye All-Union Industrial Association, candidate of economic sciences, honored worker of the Soviet gas industry;
18. M.B.Bunyatian - the USSR Industrial Construction Bank, the operational head of Azerbaijan unit;
19. L.I.Vartapetian - 1-st deputy head of the Baku Water Pipeline Office, the honored worker of Azerbaijan SSR in the housing and communal area;
20. S.N.Haykazian - chief engineer of Baku Gas Production Department 
21. V.P.Yegizarov - Vice-Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Council of People's Deputies of Lenin District
22. A.Kh.Ohanian - the chief engineer of Baku Sanitation Department, 
23. R.V.Safarian - Trust of the construction of social-cultural objects and construction office, #9 complex brigade master, a member of the Committee of Azerbaijan Communist Party of Baku Committee;
24. N.R.Sahnazarian - Chairman of the Council of People's Deputies of Nizami District Executive Committee.

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