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» Realities about Armenians
Realities about ArmeniansThe true face of Armenians was well known not only by Azerbaijanis but also by other nations from time to time, and gave a historical value to it. Armenians, as a society can not be do not recognized without these impressions: ![]() "All Caucasians know that Armenians did not exist here as aboriginal nation, and appeared here as Turkey and Iran refugees in the first half of the XIX century" (V.L.Velichko Kavkaz: Russkoe delo i mejduplemennıe voprosı, 1954, p80) ______________________________________________________________________________________ According to Lenorman Armenians falsely mastered the “Urartu” name and in vain consider the former name of "Great Armenia" as their own native land (Heinrich Raulinson). ______________________________________________________________________________________ "... In fact, the historical land of Azerbaijanis living in Armenia was their own legal land and as “hosts’ they had good attitude to Armenian as "guests" . However, Zangezur of Azerbaijan was given to Armenians and part of Kazakh region to Georgia "(Odri L. Altstadt) ______________________________________________________________________________________ ![]() " The Armenian people had lost its statehood very early in V century AD. And not in the Caucasus, but in Mesopotamia ". (Yuri Pompeyev, Garabagh in the blood, (in Russian). ______________________________________________________________________________________ "In 1908, out of 1 million 300 thousand Armenians living in the Caucasus 1 million are those resettled here from Iran and Turkey in 1828. (N.I.Shavrov) ______________________________________________________________________________________ ![]() Armenians misusing the situation in the Caucasus and in the world found it as a suitable for implementation of idea of "Great Armenia" and began to put forward new territorial claims against Azerbaijan and started to implement the policy of ethnic cleansing and genocide of the Turkish-Muslim in Azerbaijani lands of Nakhchivan, Zangezur and Garabagh provinces (Dj K. McCarthy. "Turki i Armeniya") ______________________________________________________________________________________ ![]() " The Armenian Republic established by the will of England in 1918 on the ruins of the tsarist empire and lived a short life (1918-1920) was the only independent Armenian state, the existence of which was recorded in the history." (George de Malevil. Armenian tragedy of 1915) ______________________________________________________________________________________ I did not met the name of Armenian among the pre-Caspian nations like Huns, Albanians, kadus, mordovs and others (Dinisi) ______________________________________________________________________________________ The Armenians came as invaders and invaded the local population. (R. Hovanesian) ______________________________________________________________________________________ Armenian slaves and service women, Aphrodite service women in Corinth, as well as the religious dancers serving in Indian temples were the first prostitutes. (F. Engels) ______________________________________________________________________________________ Armenians have always been under the rule of rulers of other religion. As a result, they turned to cunning and crafty people hiding their ideas, intentions and keeping feelings hidden (Alexander Dumas). ______________________________________________________________________________________ Armenian women had relations with other nations even by force. Iranian soldiers, Turks, Georgians and highlanders having relations with Armenian women that lost their state and the honor since a long time ago, seems had no good manners. For this reason, all kinds of blood flow in the vessels of the Armenians. (V. L. Velicko. Russian poet, publicist) ______________________________________________________________________________________ ![]() Hey, you Armenian! Representative of the ape generation, the weakest link of the evolution, you are the carrion of the generations. You deserve to be shot. When will you die, so to put an end to these conflicts? When your lies, falsifications will finish? When you will understand that the Aghry (mountains) never will be yours? Believe that for the sins of your nation you will be always humiliated. We will always believe in that happiness when will not see any trouble from you. We will cover you and your foolish nation with the fire of justice. Only after that there will be the world of peace, goodness without Armenian. Then the world will be happy, all nations will live in prosperity, the sun will end the darkness. Hey, Armenians, your unavoidable end comes closer. Understand it that there is no place for you in the world. (interlinear translation from the “The Caucasian tales” (1837) of the great Russian poet A.S.Pushkin) ______________________________________________________________________________________ Armenians’ shame: bad intended, thieves, envier, being in a run with one leg, non-obeyed, noising for nothing, faithless, hypocritical, abusive, enemy to master, traitor. ("Qabusnama") ______________________________________________________________________________________ These people (Armenians) either for nature, or for geographical position are hypocritical and dishonest since ancient times: it they hardly save themselves from hate to Romans, from envy to the Parthians (Tasit, the Roman historian) ______________________________________________________________________________________ The Armenian came and brought a new misfortune (Georgian proverb) ______________________________________________________________________________________ Despite the poverty and sufferings of the Armenians caused in me a great mercy on them, their cunning nature, fraudfulness was so disgusting, so disgraceful, so infuriating that I could never like them. (Count de Sole. French traveler) ______________________________________________________________________________________ Armenians is Ahriman of the earth, enemy of humanity, the enemy. (Persian poet Saadi Shirazi) ______________________________________________________________________________________ There was no head of the first Armenian dynasty. (Haykazian, "Armenian History", Paris, 1919) ______________________________________________________________________________________ The brains of then and present leaders of "the suffered nation”, in fact, was befogged with crazy ideas like creation of "Great Armenia" on lands of neighboring nations, feelings of enmity and hostility against everyone being non-Armenian one ". (S.B. Ikhiilov. Chairman of the Community of Mountain Jews in Baku) ______________________________________________________________________________________ In March 1918, Armenian armed forces just in three days had killed more than 17 thousand innocent civilians and residents. We even don’t tell about the numerous people killed in Nakhchivan, Shamakhi, Guba, Khachmaz, Lankaran, Agsu ... (Alexander, Baku and the Caspian region's bishop) ______________________________________________________________________________________ The majority of the Albanians adopted Islam as part of the Azerbaijani people, but a least part (in Sheki and Nagorno-Garabagh) mixed with arrived Armenians and became armeniazed. (I Petrushevski) ______________________________________________________________________________________ Armenians, are people, too, but they walk in home by crawling on hand and foot (the ancient Roman historian Petroniy) ______________________________________________________________________________________ ... Armenians, when in army cowardly and meanly run away from the battlefield but are brave and selfless heroes while attacking unarmed single people and elderly people, women and children in a form of the group (from memoirs of Russian officer lieutenant-colonel Tverdokhlebov) ______________________________________________________________________________________ ![]() Really scattering of Armenians everywhere is useful for us? Let the Almighty Allah give them a power and ability to unite. But let them not to be fraudulent, not try to deprive us from self and disgrace our name and praise themselves and attempt to glorify themselves. Whether it was good or bad for us but we have accepted you, gave a shelter as brothers, at least, do not hostile to us in own home. It is better to have a lion on road rather than enemy living in your house (I. G. Chavchavadze. "Armenian scientists and the stones of cry for help", p.79) ______________________________________________________________________________________ The history of the Armenian people starts in V century with emerging of Armenian script and after the heroic battle of Armenian people in Avarayarda (Armenian Catholicos Vazgen I, from appeal dated August 16, 1964) ______________________________________________________________________________________ "The Armenians have not always been villain owners of places where they live. The always betrayed close people and served with love to powerful neighbors "(academician Gegor Patkanian) ______________________________________________________________________________________ "Sly and the blood shedding nation" Armenians is presented to the world as poor nation (Adolf Hitler)