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Official position of the Republic of Azerbaijan on conflict


The position of Azerbaijan on the settlement of the conflict despite of the incontinency of long-term mediation efforts the within the OSCE and absence of the results Azerbaijan will continue to support the peaceful and constructive solution of the conflict. The purpose of the Azerbaijani government is liberation of all of the occupied territories, return of IDPs to their homes and to achieve stability and sustainable peace in Nagorno-Karabakh region of Azerbaijan, as well as in the South Caucasus region. The main objective of the process of settlement is work-up the status of Nagorno Garabagh within Azerbaijan, to determine its model and legal framework. Azerbaijan believes that the process of determining the status should take place with participation of the entire population of the region, including the direct participation of Armenian and Azerbaijani communities under their full and equal participation in peace with the government of Azerbaijan, under the normal framework of legal and democratic processes, under the conditions of constructive interaction. Before the conflicting parties reached discussion on self-governing status of Nagorno Garabagh within Azerbaijan a number of important steps should be taken to reach this stage. First, the factor of military occupation should be removed from the context of the conflict. Delay in return of occupied territories without any reasons may worsen and complicate the difficult process of settlement. Second, the demographic situation in the region before the conflict must be restored. It is known that the status of Nagorno-Garabagh can be determined by the direct participation of Armenian and Azerbaijani communities, as well as only under the conditions of coexistence.
Third, until a new self-governing status of Nagorno-Garabagh is worked out, the interaction between the central government of Azerbaijan and local authorities of the Armenian community should be established.  Fourth, a region should be developed from economic point of view and must be restored. It is an important step for the normalization of life and peaceful coexistence of two communities and, restoration of cooperation. It includes restoration and development of economic relations between two communities, as well as the central authorities of Azerbaijan and Nagorno-Garabagh, restoration of communications in both directions for the use of both parties and opening. So that, if the Armenian population of Nagorno-Garabagh region will have the opportunity to have links with Armenia and Azerbaijan, through the Lachin corridor to the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic. 
Fifth, humanitarian cooperation between the two communities, with special programs such as education and tolerance should be carried out. Regarding implementation of the peace agreement to be signed between Azerbaijan and Armenia it should be secured with the obligations of both parties under treaty, as well as the guarantees of the great powers and international organizations, the relevant international guarantees.
It is clear that the success of the peace process also depends on the constructive approach of the parties, as well as the international community, especially the active assistance of the OSCE Minsk Group. However, due to the Armenia’s position it is very difficult to hope for significant positive changes on this issue. In fact, from the very beginning of the conflict, the purpose of military aggression of Armenia against Azerbaijan was to occupy territory forcibly and to change the demographic situation in the areas. In order to achieve the one-sided separation Armenia wants to keep control over some of the occupied regions around Nagorno-Garabagh and prevents the Azerbaijani displaced persons from returning to their lands, and thus prevents the consideration of both the community's opinion on equal basis. It is clear that such an approach by the Armenian on issue can not serve as the foundation of a solid solution to the conflict. Keeping the status quo means accepting the results of violation of human rights, rule of law and or in other words, the victory of the violence over justice. 
The Azerbaijani side supported the peaceful settlement of the conflict, but in the issue of territorial integrity it will not go for any concessions and will not accept the settlement of the conflict basing on fact  "fait accompli", that is the current fact, which  the Armenian side tries to make accepted by force. The conflict may be settled by respecting the territorial integrity and inviolability of internationally recognized borders of Azerbaijan, as well as basing on peaceful coexistence of Azerbaijani and Armenian communities of Nagorno-Garabagh availing the democracy and development in full and equal manner. Absence of concrete perspectives for soonest settlement of the conflict and the continuation of "no peace, nor war» condition is the permanent and direct threat to democratic security, independence and development of Azerbaijan. At the same time it is the main source of instability in the entire South Caucasus region. 

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