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Speeches of President in connection with Garabagh conflict


The decisive speeches of the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev either in the previous period (as a head of the Azerbaijani Parliament’s permanent delegation to Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe) or during presidency in connection with the Garabagh conflict has played an important role in the increasing of political influence of Azerbaijan in the world. In his official and unofficial meetings he exposed the Armenian aggressors, with the resolute position had caused to form in the world the objective opinion about Nagorno-Garabagh as the inseparable part of Azerbaijan, about the so-called "Nagorno-Garabagh problem", and a correct political assessment of the conflict was given and important steps were taken for its solution. Some of these speeches we bring to your attention:
...The Azerbaijani-Armenian Nagorno-Garabagh problem is the most painful problem for our country. This issue can be resolved on the several principals, on the principals of the international laws. The Azerbaijani lands should be liberated from occupation, one million refugees and displaced persons should return home and the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan should be restored. Azerbaijan will never reconcile with the occupation and loss of its lands. Everybody should know, though, we are for peace, we do not want war, this issue should be resolved by peaceful means, but at the same time everybody should know that our patience is not endless. Azerbaijan will liberate its lands at any cost. 
From speech in the inauguration ceremony of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan - October Baku city , 31, 2003

...Unfortunately, today there is one major factor which impedes full scale regional cooperation.
This is continuing for more than 10 years Armenian occupation of 20 percent of the territories of Azerbaijan including Nagorno-Karabagh and 7 other regions of Azerbaijan. As a result of this occupation and aggression more than 1 million Azerbaijanis became refugees and IDPs. The fact of this occupation is reflected in 4 UN Resolutions, Statements of OSCE Minsk Group, official documents of the Council of Europe other documents and is recognized by the international community. International Community must use all its authority and urge Armenia to withdraw its troops from the occupied territories of Azerbaijan
From the speech at inauguration of the World Summit on information society Geneva, Dec 10, 2003   

...We have good bilateral relations with Turkey, Russia, Georgia, and Iran. We cooperate on a regional level. However, we have not relations with one our neighbor, which is Armenia. The reason is clear. At the end of 1980 separatist movement started in the country's region of Nagorno-Garabagh resulted in war against Azerbaijan. Armenia made an aggression against our country in order to separate Nagorno-Garabagh from Azerbaijan and 7 more regions located outside of Nagorno-Garabagh were occupied, too. This aggression against Azerbaijan continues for more than 10 years.. 
Unfortunately, there is no progress in this field. In order to solve this conflict the norms of international law should be taken into account. The United Nations adopted 4 resolutions. These resolutions demand from Armenia the unconditional withdrawal of occupying army. Unfortunately, Armenia ignores the international laws. The position of Armenia is that Nagorno-Garabagh Armenians have the right to self-determination...
Norms of international law does not justify this opinion. Because the Armenians as a nation already made their self-determination. They have an independent country. This country is Armenia. Based on their logic, the Armenians have the right to self-determination everywhere, so that they live everywhere, in Russia, France, Africa, the United States. This is something which is not internationally recognized. Therefore, the methods used by them as a means of propaganda can not be taken seriously. The main principles of international law which are of importance, is the territorial integrity and sovereignty of each country. Azerbaijan recognizes the territorial integrity of each country in the world and we want the world to recognize our territorial integrity, and it should be restored. We will do everything to restore the territorial integrity. ...
... I hope that the international community and especially the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs of France, Russia and the United States will play a more active role in resolving this conflict. They will be able to convince Armenia that in the XXI century the occupation of territory of one country by another country is unacceptable...
From speech during meeting held at the Institute of International Relations of the France, Paris, January 23, 2004

...This conflict has not been solved for many years. Azerbaijan's position is fair and this position is based on the norms of international law. The norms of international law should be restored. Azerbaijan recognizes the territorial integrity of all other countries, and of course we demand that our territorial integrity be recognized and restored. This is our fair demand, and I am sure that there have to be and will be achievements in this direction because we live in the 21st century. In the 21st century, one country cannot occupy the land of another country.
Armenia's position is not based on any logic and violates all the norms of international law. What is Armenia's demand? In a nutshell, their demand is that the Armenians of Nagorno Garabagh should determine their fate themselves. First, I have to say that the Armenians living in Nagorno Garabagh came there, to the ancient Azerbaijani land, as guests. They came there in the 1820s and in this connection; a monument was erected in the Nagorno Garabagh capital of Khankendi to mark the 150th anniversary of the Armenians' arrival in Nagorno Garabagh. …
Nagorno Garabagh is Azerbaijani land, has always been Azerbaijani land and will be Azerbaijani land in the future. Azerbaijan will never put up with the loss of its territories and will
liberate its lands at all costs. I am very pleased that our fair position is being accepted by the OSCE Minsk Group which has been dealing with this issue in the recent period. 
From speech at the Turkish Grand National Assembly, Ankara, April 14, 2004

….. The main problem faced by our country for a long time is occupation of 20 percent of Azerbaijani territory by Armenia. This occupation started with aggressive separatism by Armenia against Azerbaijan. This policy resulted in the occupation of the former Nagorno Garabagh Autonomous Oblast and our 7 regions outside the administrative borders of the oblast. Armenians never lived in these 7 regions of Azerbaijan. They are areas settled only by Azerbaijanis ...
... This situation is going on more than 10 years. In May of this year will be the tenth year of the cease-fire between Armenia and Azerbaijan and up to 10 years the negotiations had not results Of course, we can not reconcile this situation. Azerbaijan will never agree with the loss of the territory. The solution of the problem should be based on the international law. Azerbaijan's respects the territorial integrity of all countries in the world and demands respecting it, too occasion. Our territorial integrity must be restored. Armenian occupying forces should be withdrawn from occupied territories. The opportunity should be given to refugees, internally displaced persons for returning to their homes. In XXI century we should not allow to occupy a territory of one country-member of the Council of Europe - Azerbaijan by another member –country of the Council of Europe – Armenia.
From speech at the meeting of the PACE, spring session in Strasbourg
Strasbourg, April 29, 2004

... The aggression of Armenia against Azerbaijan is the biggest threat in the region, a stable situation. I think that you are informed about the conflict. I would like to briefly tell about the conflict. Azerbaijan's Nagorno-Garabagh region is the historical land of Azerbaijan. Armenians have never lived there before. They were resettled in Nagorno-Garabagh in the early XIX century, from Iran and Turkey by the czar Russia. This was done for the purposes to get a support for Russia in the Caucasus ...
Our position in the settlement of the conflict based purely on the norms of international law and principles. In other words, the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan must be restored, the victim of aggression, all refugees and displaced persons must return to their homes. After that, the highest status of autonomy can be granted to Nagorno-Garabagh within Azerbaijan. We studied the highest status of autonomy in the world, including in Europe. Thus, there is no need to invent something new. All possible options are on the able. But Armenians’ position is different. Their position is based on their desires and opinions. This position is in no way match with the norms of international law ....
From the speech at meeting held at the University of Warsaw
 Warsaw, March 31, 2005

... To continue in the future this aggressive policy will be very difficult for Armenia. Because the world is developing in the other direction. The processes of globalization occurring in the world, our close cooperation with the European Union, the ongoing processes of democratization in the world does not accept the policy based on aggression and rejects it. The policy and position of Azerbaijan is  based just on the norms of international law. That is each country’s territorial integrity, as well as of Azerbaijan, must be ensured. I have no doubt that at the result of the works done, our policy, as a result of diplomatic efforts, at the same time as a result of the strengthening of the economic potential we will be able to settle this issue by means of the negotiations, will achieve a fair solution by peaceful means. We look forward to it.
The potential of the peace negotiations had not expired yet. If there is any hope for peace talks, we have to try this way till the end and try to achieve it. However, at the same time, we should strengthen our economic potential, as well as military potential and works are being done in this direction.
From speech at meeting held under the chairmanship of President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, dedicated to solution of the problems of refugees and internally displaced persons, Baku, June 22, 2005

... We are committed to the peace process. Still we hope that this issue can be resolved in accordance with the norms and principles of international law. This is the most important issue for Azerbaijan and therefore Azerbaijan takes part in the negotiations. These negotiations are carried out by the OSCE Minsk Group. Co-chairs of the group are France, America and Russia. The basis of the problem is separatism. In other words, they want secession of the territory of Azerbaijan and to annex it to Armenia. Late 1980s - early 1990s, the territory of Azerbaijan was occupied by Armenian armed forces ...
... The center of Nagorno-Garabagh, is Khankendi city . In this case, it means "the village of Khan" means. The name of city was changed during the Soviets and named as Stepanakert, after the Bolshevik Stepan Shaumyan. He is Armenian. Again, I repeat that the historical point of view this place had never belonged to Armenia and Armenians never lived here. They were moved here, and later changed the name of places, historical monuments. Then, after they made a majority, they began separatism. These separatism tendencies also happened in other parts of the Soviet Union ...
... Azerbaijan's territorial integrity must be restored. We are ready to grant to Armenians living in Nagorno-Garabagh the highest possible autonomy...
Now we live in the XXI century. That is why, of course, the international community should play a more active role in this field. Sometimes we are told that let us, you two countries agree in between. No, this way does not work. We must bring clarity to the question - what happened, who started the aggression first, whose land was occupied, who had carried out the policy of ethnic cleansing. Then, taking into account the results more clearly, we must find the path to the solution of the conflict on the basis of international principles. I think that we can go forward in this way.
From the speech at the meeting in Japan Institute of International Relations, 
Tokyo, March 8, 2006

... 20 percent of our lands are under occupation. Armenia conducted an ethnic cleansing policy of against Azerbaijan. We want to put an end to this occupation, so take part in the negotiation process. As you know, the process of negotiations goes on a new format and this format represents justice. Reflect the national interests of Azerbaijan and creates the necessary conditions for the restoration of the country’s territorial integrity. Azerbaijan must restore its territorial integrity. We want to do it by peaceful means, through negotiations. We do not want war. But at the same time, we must strengthen our military potential and we do it. This is our sovereign right ...
From the speech of Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev at meeting with border personnel of Zagatala border unit. Baku, April 12, 2006

... We are the problem number one. All people, all of us concerned about the occupation of Azerbaijani lands. However, negotiations are underway for many years, we do not see serious progress. Due to Armenia's non-sincere, non-constructive policy, we can not reach any agreement. It is seen by the whole world community and the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs, which are directly involved in this issue, might have seen it.  
Azerbaijan's position is based on the norms of international law and our policy is supported in full by the world community, within the framework of international organizations, as well as by the bilateral relations. For the last four years I had numerous meetings with the heads of state and government of different countries in the world. In every document signed by each country the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan is recognized and supported. This shows that the international community, the political elite of the world considers it possible to solve this issue on the basis of the principles of territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. There can not be any other base. Azerbaijan's territorial integrity can never be violated. Nagorno-Garabagh will never be independent. If the world community in the mid-1990s - at that time when Azerbaijan was not so strong from economic and political point of view, did not recognize the independence of Nagorno-Garabagh, at the current situation, at a period when a strong state was built in Azerbaijan, nobody will recognize it. Nagorno-Garabagh will never join to Armenia. The sooner it will be accepted in Armenia and Nagorno-Garabagh, it would be good for them. They consider that by stretching the time, delaying the negotiations artificially they will be able to get something. Never! Perhaps tit may favorable for some politicians, for their political career. But I do not believe that it would serve the state interests of the Republic of Armenia. Because, by passing time, our positions get strengthened.
From speech at solemn ceremony dedicated to next graduation at the Azerbaijan High Military School named after Heydar Aliyev, Baku, June 22, 2007

... Historically, representatives of the Azerbaijan people had always lived in the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh region,.  In 1828 representatives of the Armenian people have been resettled this area, and later they were in majority there, and this facilitated the start of a separatist manifestations. Today the regime of Nagorno-Karabakh was not recognized by anyone. It is in fact, driven by a criminal regime, illegal structure. No law works there, no international monitoring is held there, there criminalization, drug trafficking, terrorism happens and all these are very dangerous threat to the entire continent. Therefore, in the world, especially Europe, the number of uncontrolled zones is not so much.
It is a great danger that could undermine stability in the region. In terms of the norms of international law the United Nations Security Council adopted four resolutions demanding the withdrawal of Armenian armed forces from our territory, but they are not followed. Recently, the General Assembly of the UIN adopted a new resolution demanding withdrawal of occupying forces from our territory...
From the speech at presenting the Diploma of Honorary Doctor of the Kiev National University named after Taras Shevchenko, Kiev, May 24, 2008

... Azerbaijan plays an important role in the ensuring the security and stability in the region and development of international cooperation However, more than 20 years, Azerbaijan was subjected to the military aggression by Armenia. Armenia has occupied 20 percent of Azerbaijani territory, and it had carried out the policy of ethnic cleansing. As a result, the country has more than 1 million refugees and internally displaced persons. The world community and international organizations recognize Azerbaijan's territorial integrity and supports the solution of the conflict within the framework of our country's territorial integrity, and fair manner in accordance with the norms of international law. There are 4 Resolutions of the UN Security Council, relevant decisions and resolutions of the OSCE, the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly, NATO and other international organizations on the conflict. Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Garabagh conflict should be settled only in accordance with the principles of international law within Azerbaijan's territorial integrity.
From the speech made at the dinner given in honor of President of Azerbaijan Republic and his spouse on behalf of the President of the Republic of Greece Carolos Papulias, Athens, February 17, 2009

... There are numerous historical and religious monuments in other regions of Azerbaijan, and they are protected by the state. However, as a result of Armenian aggression against Azerbaijan, we can not preserve our historical heritage in the occupied territories. Because our lands are under occupation. As a result of this aggression and ethnic cleansing policy, 20 percent of our territory has been occupied, for more than one million of our compatriots living in the state of refugees and displaced persons. At the same time, all the historical monuments destroyed by Armenians. All the museums were looted, all religious tombs, mosques were destroyed. It is at the same time, was stressed by international observers. In 2005, during the OSCE fact-finding mission to Nagorno-Garabagh and other occupied territories, all this was given in the report prepared during the visit. It was stated that everything was destroyed by Armenia. In other words, it is the result of Armenian vandalism; this is a result of the aggressive policy of occupying. No doubt after liberation of our lands, we will restore all our historical monuments. We will restore all the cities, will build all the buildings. But to do so the conflict is to be put an end. Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Garabagh conflict must end. Azerbaijan's territorial integrity must be restored and our citizens must return to their homeland ...
From President Ilham Aliyev's speech at the opening ceremony of culture year "Baku- Islamic Culture Capital-2009", Baku, February 18, 2009

.. We are using all the opportunities that to solve this issue fairly, in accordance with the norms of international law. And to increase our economic potential, our diplomatic efforts. At the same time, we increase our military force and the military parade held in the last year, demonstrated and proved to the world how much of our potential is, what a strong army we have. We want to resolve the issue peacefully. However, at the same time, we try to solve the issue fairly, in accordance with the norms of international law, within the framework of Azerbaijan's territorial integrity. The so-called regime of Nagorno-Garabagh will never be independent. Azerbaijan will never reconcile with the loss of their lands ...
From the speech of President Ilham Aliyev on the occasion of Novruz holiday
Baku, March 20, 2009

.... We try and will try to solve the issue through negotiations. But for 15 years - after the conclusion of a cease-fire regime the talks did not give any results. In this case, of course, we should rely on power of our army. For this purpose, in recent years on a regular basis, practical measures have been taken to strengthen the force of the army. Today, our army is the most powerful army in the region. Military units, able to perform any duty are operative in the armed forces and for the restoration of territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, in cases of necessity we are able to use military force. This is our sovereign right. The international law enables us to do it. 
.From the speech of  Supreme Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces Ilham Aliyev  at joint operational-tactical training of units of Ministry of Defense, the State Border Service and the Internal Troops, Baku,  June 24, 2009

... In 1918, after Azerbaijan declared independence, the Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan adopted a resolution that the next day that city of Yerevan shall be given to Armenia as the capital. The city of Yerevan was city of one of the khanate where Azerbaijanis lived.
Historically this is the case. They have created already a state of Azerbaijani lands. Second Armenian state can not be established in our lands again. Azerbaijan will never agree on that and it will never happen. As sooner the Armenian side will understand it, this would be better for them and us. Thus, the issue will be resolved soon. Then peace can be established in the Caucasus. Because without solving Armenian-Azerbaijani, Nagorno-Garabagh conflict, any other initiative and the project with political content in the region may not be carried out. And all attempts to remove the Nagorno-Garabagh conflict topic from all topics on general development in the region and the creation of new relationships will be in vain. It will not work. Because this is the main problem and the main obstacle to be eliminated. Azerbaijan has the full right to restore its territorial integrity...
From lecture delivered at Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Estonia, Tallinn, April 7, 2010

... I want to reiterate that Azerbaijan's territorial integrity was and will never been the subject of discussion. Our position is based on the international legal norms, but also on historical justice and the real logic. Azerbaijan's territorial integrity must be restored. Armenian occupying forces should be withdrawn from all occupied lands. After that peace can be established, all communications can be opened. Today, the Armenians living in Nagorno Garabagh and Azerbaijanis that will return and live there will coexist within the framework of the status of high autonomy. They must live within the unitary Azerbaijani state. In other words, neither in these days, no in future there will be mechanisms capable of separating Nagorno Garabagh from Azerbaijan. At negotiations it has been explicitly stated. In this case, I want to say once again that the latest proposals may be the basis for the preparation of the agreement.
However, the position of Armenia once again shows that the Armenian side does not want peace. They are simply trying to stretch maximum the position of the status quo, as much as possible. They do not want to leave the occupied territories. They want to continue this occupation. They try to show as if they are loyal to negotiations. They simply try, to stretch this negotiation process and to make it further as permanent, eternal one...
From speech of President Ilham Aliyev at the meeting dedicated to the issues of army building in the Ministry of Defense, Baku, April 23, 2010

... As you know, recently, the Organization of Islamic Conference passed resolutions on the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Garabagh conflict, with very positive and consistent arguments. These resolutions fully support the position of Azerbaijan, that is, justice. A week ago a resolution adopted by the European Parliament on this issue based on international law, and there Armenia is shown as aggressor, an aggressor state. It is clearly shown that by using force to break the borders of any country, to reconcile with the status quo is impossible. It is clearly stated that this situation - no peace, no war, can not be last, and Azerbaijani lands must be the liberated....
From the speech of President Ilham Aliyev at the official reception
dedicated to May 28 - Republic Day, Baku, May 27, 2010

... You know, for many years, negotiations are carried out between Armenia and Azerbaijan in this direction. Mediators play a role in the negotiations. However, the issue was not resolved to this day. Despite there are decisions of international organizations to reinforce our position, the position of truth and justice. Almost all the leading organizations of the world' have adopted their decisions on this issue. However, the occupying state ignores these decisions, resolutions. In this case, Azerbaijan has to have the new tasks. Either to continue the talks, - we are ready for it, but provided that there would be outcomes of the negotiation, - or to choose the other way. We should be ready for any variant, and my statements given several times in recent years have once again proved it. 
 We have never denied the existence of possible military solution to the problem. However, we are in favor of peace and 20 years of peace negotiations, peace talks are underway. Azerbaijan demonstrates the constructive position in the negotiations. There is no result of this. How long the people of Azerbaijan will wait? How long we have to wait for justice to be restored? If the Armenian side ignores norms of international law, does not comply with the decisions of international organizations. Azerbaijani people's patience is not inexhaustible...
From the speech of resident Ilham Aliyev before the military at joint operational-tactical training of the Armed Forces, 24, 2010

... We pay special attention to issues of regional security. The biggest problem, the greatest difficulties, and in fact one of the biggest threats is no war, no peace situation in the region, the Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Garabagh conflict. For several years territories of Azerbaijan are under occupation. Armenia had implemented a policy of ethnic cleansing against Azerbaijanis and as a result, more than one million Azerbaijani refugees and internally displaced persons had to leave their homes. Azerbaijan's internationally recognized territory is under occupation. Unfortunately, two decades that this situation continues. Nagorno-Garabagh conflict is not just the greatest injustice but as well as a great threat to regional security, stability..
A statement issued recently by the leaders of the countries of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs inspires us. France, Russian Federation, the United States leaders noted that the status quo needs to be changed, it can not be kept more. In fact, it was also noted during a meeting with chairman Barroso that the status quo to be replaced. Changing the status quo in turn, means the liberation of the occupied territories. We are in favor of it, we're working on it. Armenia, on the contrary, tries to keep the status-quo as far as possible for a long period of time. Now if the case is changing the status quo goes, then it is a time of the liberation of the occupied territories and the restoration of peace time, the time has come.
From the speech at opening of Krans Montana Forum in Brussels
Brussels, June 23, 2011

... You, the Azerbaijanis living world, know well that Nagorno-Garabagh is historical and native land of Azerbaijan. Throughout the centuries, our people have lived and worked on those areas. The Armenians came to this place as a guest. We are well aware of the history of their settlement in Nagorno-Garabagh. In the past, Armenians had erected the monument in 1978 reflecting the settlement of Armenians in Nagorno-Garabagh. Armenians in the first years of the war destroyed that monument. However, it is not possible to change the history.
The history is history. Armenians marking 150th anniversary of their settlement in Garabagh in 1978, know well that they came to these lands as a guest. Not only Nagorno-Garabagh’s history but history of present-day Armenia was formed in the territory of Azerbaijan. Erivan khanate, Zangezur mahal are our historical territories. If we look at the map, we can see that as a result of giving Zangezur to Armenia from Azerbaijan the Turkic world had been divided geographically. In other words, giving of Zangezur to Armenia had very negative consequences. Now we do not claim that these lands to be unite to Azerbaijan. However, each and every citizen, every child should know their history. They should know that these regions are the historical Azerbaijani lands. To solve the problem, of course, all factors should be considered. History is clear. This is our land, not only Nagorno-Garabagh and other areas. International law supports our position fully. In the statement of heads of states of Minsk Group co-chair the Helsinki Final Act is referred. This Act clearly states that the principles of territorial integrity of nations must not be in contradiction to right of self-determination. Thus, from the legal point of view our position is   strong. ...
Speech of Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev at III World Congress of Azerbaijanis, 
July 05, 2011

... The most important task facing the country is settlement of Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Garabagh conflict. Our lands are under occupation. This injustice, unfortunately, dominates many years. However, all international human rights norms, historical truth support our position. We all know that Nagorno-Garabagh is the historical Azerbaijani land. Political relations and political weights in the region clearly proves the superiority of Azerbaijan. Economic advantage and military superiority. For all these features we dominate over Armenia. It was noted, religious figures have stated that our cause is right case. We have not occupied any land, and we have no such plans. Despite of present-day Armenia was established on the territory of the historical Azerbaijani lands. We want to restore its territorial integrity.
It is our right. We have strength to do it. Simply we want the blood would not shed; the issue is solved in a peaceful way, through negotiations. But at the same time, we`ll never take a step back from our principled position. I want to reiterate our position is based on the historical truth, on the norms of international law. Nagorno-Garabagh is historical, native Azerbaijani land and from legal point of view it is Azerbaijani land. Azerbaijan's territorial integrity is recognized by the whole world, and Azerbaijan's territorial integrity should be restored including Nagorno-Garabagh ...
Speech of President Ilham Aliyev at iftar ceremony held on the occasion of the holy month of Ramadan, 
August 12, 2011

... We try to restore the territorial integrity without shedding the blood. To this end, negotiations are underway. Still, it had no the results. At the same time, to restore our territorial integrity by any means, including military means, is our sovereign right. This right is given us by the Charter of the United Nations. Each state may use and should all our means to defend self. Therefore, we will allot additional funds to increase military power. We will take additional measures to strengthen the military potential. Of course, besides all these measures taken, combat readiness, enthusiasm should play an importance in battlefield. ... 
The current independent state of Azerbaijan is treated with great respect in the world. Number of our partners increases, the international positions strengthens. The international community believes in us. At the end of last year we were elected a member of the UN Security Council. 155 countries supported us. Armenia in a cowardly way went out the struggle. They knew that even not 10-29 countries will support it. This shows that what our political weight is. We always have to build an army, allot funds. Parades held show our strength in the military. There is every opportunity to restore our territorial integrity. We know it, so does the enemy, and intermediaries dealing with this issue. There is one condition to get peace.  Armenian occupying forces in our lands, must be rejected from our land. Still, it is not too late.
From speech of President Ilham Aliyev, the Supreme Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces before the military at "N" military unit,  January 21, 2012

...All over the world recognize Nagorno-Garabakh as an integral part of Azerbaijan. No country, including Armenia, does not recognize independence of Nagorno-Garabakh. This is natural, because the Nagorno-Garabakh is located in the middle of Azerbaijan. None of the administrative boundaries of the Nagorno-Garabakh during the Soviet period was same with administrative boundaries of Armenian Republic. In other words, it was a small region located within Azerbaijan. 
International law requires that our lands to be liberated from occupation, all refugees to be returned to their homeland. Therefore, the norms of international law must be restored. All our refugees must return to their native lands.
As far as the Armenians living in Nagorno Garabakh concerned they will live there as before. We are not against it. This is a wonderful experience in the world. In every country, of course, with the exception of Armenia, different nations live, in Turkey, in Azerbaijan, we can say that in most countries of the world.  Armenia is mono state, nobody except Armenians live there, because they can not live, they can not coexist with other nation.
Therefore, Azerbaijan as a multinational state, of course, will create the conditions for the Armenians living there, will help them, and they will use all rights in the future as citizens of the Azerbaijan state.
If Armenia will take into account the reality and the situation changing in favor of Azerbaijan then it will take a correct decision and withdraw from the occupied lands, then peace will be restored, all roads will be opened, all countries, especially countries in the Caucasus, and those located at our geographical area will be in close contact with each other. It is our desire. We do not claim for a single inch of land in Armenia. Despite those lands are historical Azerbaijani lands. Irevan khanate, Zangezur region, Goycha region are our lands and Armenia had established the state on this land. We never permit the establishment of a second Armenian state on Azerbaijani land.  I would like to say once again that if Armenia will take into account the present-day realities and Azerbaijan's increasing political authority, economic strength, take the correct step, leave the occupied territories, then these days would be concerned to the Armenians living in Nagorno-Garabakh. If it will not understand and continue the policy of occupation, then for Armenia, for Nagorno-Garabakh the results can be very painful.
In other words, we do not see a solution here outside of international law. Azerbaijan and the Azerbaijani people will never accept the independence of Nagorno-Garabakh. The sooner Armenia will understand it, it would be better for it. In fact, Armenia will have to leave own position. Their position is to see Nagorno-Garabakh as an independent country. But it will not be possible. Because without the consent of Azerbaijan it can not be possible. We can not agree with it ever. Therefore, if Armenia would leave this position, then we can achieve a speedy solution of the problem. At that time, living of Armenians in Nagorno-Garabakh, i.e, normal living, will be possible in the conditions of security.
Now they live in fear. We know it. People can not live in constant fear. Because they know perfectly that the today the Azerbaijani army can restore easily, easily its sovereignty in Nagorno Garabakh! We simply do not want to shed blood again, do not want to start the war again. We try to do it by peaceful means, through negotiations. Who wants the war to be re-started? But we can not be reconciled with this situation. In general, this situation can not last more.
If you pay attention, the presidents and foreign ministers of Minsk Group co-chairing countries make the statements that the status quo is not acceptable, this status quo is to be changed. They began to give such statements just from last year. Why? Because everyone understands that the status quo can not remain so. Because of strengthening Azerbaijan day by day and weakening and getting poor Armenia. How it can be that our lands are under the occupation? It is not possible. Every day, every month, every year the population of Azerbaijan’s increasing, the Armenian population is decreasing. In other words, I repeat, the Armenian leadership should treat this issue through the prism of reality. At least they must forecast five year, ten year ahead to see, how will be the ratio of powers here after five, ten years later? Azerbaijan state will never reconcile with this situation. Azerbaijani youth will never reconcile with this situation.
In Armenia, there is some wrong intention in some cases that generations will be changed, the young generation will be grown, which never were in Garabakh, they will not want to return to Garabakh. This is absolutely the wrong approach. Maybe this is a feature peculiar to the Armenians, but the Azerbaijani people have the historical memory. Every young man born in Baku, in tent city, from Garabakh lives with the desire to return to Garabakh. Garabagh will never be forgotten, never! Therefore, sooner or later we will restore our territorial integrity. I have not doubt in it. Simply, I would like it to happen soon and if possible, without shedding of blood.
From President Ilham Aliyev’s  interview to the Turkish TRT  TV channel 
Baku city
February 29, 2012

…..in places subjected to military conflicts, especially in territories under the foreign occupation as a rule conditions are formed for having a bargain between  terrorists and those keeping those areas under control. Azerbaijan has been undergone to terrorism by different ways. Azerbaijan has been turned to the direct target of the activities of terror organized outside. Armenian Republic had committed dozens of terroristic acts against civil population of Azerbaijan and its infrastructure. In the result of this over two thousand Azerbaijanis had lost their lives. Armenia has committed those acts of terror using groups of international terror with direct participation of his own power structures. At active phase of Armenian-Azerbaijani, Nagorno-Garabagh conflict Armenia has used wide acts of terror against the civil population in addition to military aggression to achieve ethnic cleansing.
The same acts of vandalism reached its culmination on February of 1992 by destroying the Khojaly population. At that 613 sinless people, including women, children and adults lost their lives. Over hundred women, sixty-three children have been killed. Armenia used to fight civilians in the far distance from the conflict zone, at public transport and places of important infrastructure, by exploding bomb in 1994 in Baku subway and other actions...
Speech of Mr. Ilham Aliyev at the meeting of the UN Security Council
New York City 
May 04, 2012

The main task before the country is a solution of Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh. Unfortunately, there are no results in this direction. Armenia, for many years, violating international law roughly, does not follow the norms of international law. It ignores resolutions of the world's leading international organizations. The condition of no war, no peace continues. But the war is not over yet. Just 1st phase of the war was ended. We all hope that the second period of the war would not be started. However, to achieve it Armenia has to comply with the norms of international law and must withdraw from the occupied territories ...
Armenia's non-constructive position and attempts to extend the current state still does not allow any of the problem to be solved. However, I have repeatedly expressed my opinion about it. We have been every day, every moment approaching the solution of the issue. Factors making us closer to that day are related to both political and economic, and other areas. Today, Azerbaijan is the region's leader in the political sphere. We have a strong enough position. There is a great support in the world community for us. Our election in the UN Security Council shows the attitude of the international community towards us and Azerbaijan currently presides over the Security Council ...
To solve the problem, of course, we use all diplomatic and political efforts, as well as we are increasing our military power. Great strides have been taken in this direction. It is enough to say that now Azerbaijan’s military expenditure is 50 percent more than Armenia's total state expenditures. Of course, our material and technical equipping significantly improves, as well as the professionalism of the army, its combat capability increases, too. Today, the Azerbaijani army is among the strongest armies in the world. There are other important factors for settlement of Armenian Azerbaijani conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh and these important factors strengthen the position of Azerbaijan. The economic future. We clearly know that what awaits us in the future. Because we are creating our future. But Armenia links its future to donations given by other countries, or donations to be given or not to be given in the future. 
From the speech at official reception on occasion of 28 May - Republic Day.
May 25, 2012

Our army is our pride. Our army is one of the factors causing independence. We will further increase the attention for the army, army building, for military men and we will focus on it.
Our main task is solution of the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. As you know, the Azerbaijani government has been working for many years in this field. But, unfortunately, the issue is not resolved yet ...
We demonstrate our principled position at negotiations. We will not retreat from this position for a single step. However, in recent years, we have been able to significantly strengthen. If a few years ago, it could be said that in the military and economic spheres there was parity between Azerbaijan and Armenia, we have broken this parity. Azerbaijan is 10 times economically powerful country than Armenia. Our state budget is 10 times more than Armenia’s. Military expenditures are 10 times more than Armenia’s.

... The whole world recognizes Nagorno-Karabakh as part of Azerbaijan. No one recognized the independence of so-called Nagorno-Karabakh. Thus, Azerbaijan’s position is very strong in terms of international law UN Security Council’s 4 resolutions demand the unconditional withdrawal of Armenian occupying forces from our lands. There are similar decisions and resolutions of other international organizations. In other words, the legal issue is clear. ...
... We will never go aside of this line. We will further strengthen the Azerbaijani army. Logistics will be even more powerful. Weapons, ammunition, vehicles will be purchased even in larger volumes, the professionalism of our army will be increased. The demographic situation in our country is very positive. Gradually, the number of army may be considered to extend. So, I am sure that in the future the Azerbaijani Army will continue to develop and further strengthen..
... I have no doubt that if the active phase of the war will start, like Armenia run away from  the political field it will escape the battle ground, too. We have all the means to restore our territorial integrity. Recent events in the front line have shown once again it. Armenia’s all provocations were prevented. The occupying forces got their worthy answers. Azerbaijani military, the officers showed their heroism and repulsed enemy. Now, the international community and the countries involved in Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, I am sure, more and more are recognizing that Armenia will not be able to stand in front of Azerbaijan.
Azerbaijani state and people will never accept the occupation. We will never get calmed. For us - both for the state and the people the issue number one is Armenian-Azerbaijani, Nagorno-Karabakh problem, the return of the occupied territories of Azerbaijan...
From the speech of President Ilham Aliyev at the ceremony of special graduation of military educational institutions in Azerbaijan High Military School named after Heydar Aliyev in 2012, 
June 25, 2012

Today, I would like to touch on regional security issues, too. Because trends of regional cooperation are strengthening and security issues in this case should be under the focus of attention. Unfortunately, the situation is not as desirable. In particular, as far Azerbaijan is concerned our territorial integrity recognized by the international community for many years, has been violated by Armenia. At result of Armenia's aggressive policy of ethnic cleansing our 20 percent of the territory is still under occupation, over a million Azerbaijanis live as refugees in their own lands. All reputable international organizations have expressed their position on the issue. The UN Security Council has adopted four resolutions on the issue and on unconditional withdrawal of Armenian forces from the occupied territories. Unfortunately, these resolutions are not implemented, the occupation continues to this day, and the war continues to this day and, of course, all it leads to the increase of tension in the region. First of all, the reason of the conflict should be eliminated; an end is to be put to the occupation. After that, stability in the region will be the established and also favourable conditions will be created for economic cooperation.
From speech of President Ilham Aliyev, at the 20-year anniversary of the Black Sea 
Economic Cooperation Organization summit 
The city of Istanbul
June 26, 2012

... Azerbaijan's territorial integrity has not been the subject of negotiations and will never be. Azerbaijan will restore its territorial integrity. I have no doubt about it. There is a certain stagnation in the negotiations. Despite the fact that Minsk Group co-chairing countries' leaders have issued a new statement reaffirming that the status quo is unacceptable. Still, no real steps are taken to change the status quo. But it is inevitable. The status quo is to be changed. Both the heads of the Minsk Group co-chairing states and the President of the Council of the European Union while visiting Baku, the representatives of the OSCE and other international organizations and politicians have repeatedly stated that the status quo is unacceptable. This is a very important statement. Changing the status quo means the removal of Armenian occupying forces from the occupied territories. While these occupying forces will be withdrew from the occupied lands, of course, in the process of negotiations positive trends will become stronger and the issue will be solved as soon as possible. However, along with all the political and diplomatic efforts, of course, we increase our military power, strengthen it. We have created and are creating a powerful army. With a strong army our position in negotiations significantly strengthens...
... For recent years we, state, the government, diplomats, public organizations, Diaspora organizations have done a great job for recognition of Khojali genocide as genocide. This is a very important and very important issue. Now, three countries - Colombia, Mexico, and Pakistan officially recognized Khojaly events as genocide. I am confident that this process will continue further. Our embassies, and, of course, government agencies, community organizations will continue their efforts in this regard. Gradually the number of countries that recognize the Khojaly genocide as genocide would increase.
President Ilham Aliyev's speech at the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers
July 11, 2012

The main task of the foreign policy of the country, of course, is solution of the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh. This is not just main task of our foreign policy but in general the main issue facing the country. For the solution of this problem Azerbaijan has to use of all the opportunities. Diplomatic efforts need to be intensified and strengthened. Other factors also have to play a role to solve this issue and important steps are taking in this direction. If you look at the period of independence, we see that the difference, the gap between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the 20 years became even greater. In the coming years this difference will become even more and will only grow, and Azerbaijan’s advantages will grow, too  ...
Diplomatic efforts are being continued. Embassies’ activities in this direction are purposeful. Number of our friends in the world, friendly countries has been increasing. At international organizations the resolutions adopted in our favour on the issue of Nagorno-Karabakh, that is, serving to our interests are well enough..
The historical aspect of the matter is very important. Through their lobbying organizations in the world for many years Armenians have been trying to form an opinion that Nagorno-Karabakh is an ancient Armenian territory and the Armenian people lived on this land for centuries. These are completely false, distorted information. At present, we expose the lies by putting forward the truth, as well as we strengthen the historical basis for the settlement of the conflict. As you know, the Nagorno-Karabakh is historical Azerbaijani land. Toponyms of all settlements in the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh are of Azerbaijan origin.  Not only of Nagorno-Karabakh, but majority of toponyms in Armenia are of Azerbaijani origin, too. In other words, our people lived in this land for centuries, created, and should live further in this land. We will provide it...
If there are in Armenian leadership the people understanding the reality, they should understand that in the short-term and long-term competition they will be defeated. If they agree with current offer at negotiating table and withdraw troops from the occupied territories, then they can provide the future of their people. Because a lot of dangers are waiting for them in the future. The world is changing; you know the processes occurring in the region. Most probably, the time will come, and each country will have to defend their own interests alone. Azerbaijan is ready for that....
Our influence in the region is strong and after that we will have even stronger position. We can never allow that Armenia joins any political, economic, energy, transport projects. We have isolated them, we don’t hide it. Our isolation policy should be continued further. It has its benefits. If partners sending us a message on peaceful solution of the problem really want that there would be a peace in the region, Armenia must withdraw from the occupied territories. Another way to solve the problem, otherwise, is not an exception. We have not excluded any time.
 Few times in the course of negotiations we considered that we are close to an agreement. But Armenia's hypocritical position, false promises did not allow us to achieve an agreement. So, for us it is not a secret that Armenia tries to froze the issue, to prolong the matter as much as possible ....
Therefore, although it was sounded that the issue to be resolved in a peaceful way ..but Armenia sends the wrong message that you do not worry, it will be settled by peaceful means. Therefore, you can extend the issue. This is the wrong approach. I have said many times, to our partners, our ideas about it. We want peace, but I want to reiterate that, first and foremost, our citizens must return the occupied lands.
From the speech of President Ilham Aliyev at fourth meeting of heads of the diplomatic missions Baku
September 21, 2012

... The Armenian side believes that Nagorno-Karabakh would be an independent state ever. It is a dream, a fantasy, it will never be possible. The world community recognizes Nagorno-Karabakh as territory of Azerbaijan and it is reflected documents in all important documents of international organizations.  In a recent decision of this community – 120 countries joined his movement, i.e. the majority of the world community, it is expected that the issue will be resolved within the territorial integrity. At NATO Summit in Chicago in May of this year, the last statement states about the resolution of conflict within the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. Of course, you know that the UN Security Council has resolutions, and so on. 
In other words, this is a simple approach, and I have no doubt that the time will come and Azerbaijan will restore its territorial integrity ...
... Azerbaijan is an independent state, and it functions in international organizations and leading international organizations operating protect the position of Azerbaijan. The United Nations, the General Assembly had adopted a resolution on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, adopted in accordance with our interests. The UN Security Council adopted 4 Resolutions. Aligned Movement, which unites of 120 countries, supported our position. Organization of Islamic Cooperation has supported our position entirely. So we say again, we would not turn from the road we took. The noise raised by Armenians has no significance.
Ilham Aliyev's speech at opening of newly constructed Youth Centre
Tartar city
October 07, 2012

... Nagorno-Karabakh is historical Azerbaijani land, and is recognized and will be recognized by the international community as Azerbaijani land, will be fully integrated in Azerbaijani state as Azerbaijani land. Therefore, we must try, to get the full resolution of the conflict. To ensure the provision of full sovereignty. Of course, as an integral part of Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh should be in Azerbaijan, and no other options are considered, we must strive to achieve this option. Perhaps the negotiations can be conducted in a while, I do not exclude it. However, at the end of the negotiations, we will return to those lands.
I, of course, want to do it without bloodshed. But we have to be ready and we are ready for any possible option. Today we have not only a strong economy, but a strong army. The military potential, human potential, feelings of patriotism are very strong...
We have already won Armenians in the international arena. Armenia's bitter defeat was an election of Azerbaijan as a member of the UN Security Council. 120 countries of Aligned Movement countries supports the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, sees the only solution to the conflict on the basis of the principle of territorial integrity. In all other international organizations, our reputation is growing.
Speech by Ilham Aliyev at the meeting with Barda public 
October 07, 2012

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