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State Committee on deals of Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons


According to the Regulation, approved by the Decree of the President № 187 of Azerbaijan Republic from February, 1st, 2005, the primary goals of Committee are the temporary settlement, repatriation and social protection of the refugees, the compelled immigrants and the persons, measured to receive the status of the refugee (looking for refuge), improvement of their social and domestic conditions in the territories released from occupation, conferring the status of "refugee" or " the compelled immigrant", in order and on the basis of established by the legislation of Azerbaijan Republic, delivery of the document (certificate) to them, confirming this status, and deprivation of such persons of this status, finishing, through corresponding enforcement authorities, up to the international and local public of the facts of mass infringement of the rights of refugees and the compelled immigrants, conducting the account of refugees and the compelled immigrants in places of their accommodation, the organization of creation of uniform information base about them, conducting purposeful work with corresponding state bodies, the international and nongovernmental organizations with the purpose of realization of various measures on rehabilitation and redintegration refugees and the compelled immigrants, increase of employment and reduction of poverty in places of their time accommodation and during repatriation, creation of conditions for returning refugees and the compelled immigrants in the residences which forcedly have been left by them, conducting works on construction and repair of housing and social objects for them, participation in formation and maintenance of realization of a state policy in sphere of maintenance of building objects with corresponding design estimates and the decision of other problems.

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