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Etymology of “Arsak” word


For a long time, the Armenians try to delete names of residences from the memory by changing them in the occupied territories. Even they explain the Turkic- Azerbaijan origin words as Armenian origin. One of such words is "Arsak" toponym that has been proved many times having nothing common to Armenians.
Pompey Troq proposed the idea of “Arsaq’s origin is unknown", the Danish scientist who discovered the language of Orkhon-Yenisey monuments V. Tomsen repeated the same idea about as. V.V.Bartold said that as were "non-Turkic", L.N.Gumilev a "secret people".
Only in words like Asia, Caucasus, the Azov, a continent, country and sea names as / az word to prove that once as were the powerful nations of the world. Ancient and modern names of rivers, sea, mountain like Astrakhan (Astrakhan), Astara, Asnı (village, tea, folk, mountain-Sharur region), os / os (Kyrgizstan, France, Hungary, etc.) tomonyims proved that as was multiaddressed and multicountry people. In some places, in Hungary, Chuvayia Es, Oss, As, Asher / Aser toponyms are the memory of the great past of as.

In far Japan Asakhi (white as) the city, river, sea, mountain names attract the attention as phonetic variants of the akas / asak words
The author of XIX century Ivan Chopin by noting existence of river, mountain and sea names with as word calls the asakhs (white as) as true owner of this lands. Author explains the meaning of as word "horse man".
Thus, the composition of Arsak word derived from "Sak" and "asak" , which allows to reveal secrets of explaining toponyms, antroponyms, etnotoponyms related to as.
Changing of "Asak" to "Sak" and "sak" to "Asak" may be accepted as writing styles in Orkhon-Yenisey monuments (V-IX centuries) in accordance with the facts of history ...
... In language of monuments like in text transcriptions, but certainly there are words when read beginning with the letter a (As, Az, Argu, akas). The last samples- ks in fact was transcribed by non-Turkish authors like same but without "a" in the form of kas (kaspi), and that led to idea that the talk is not about the “akas”, carried out millenniums but about the “kas” tribe “some abstract” tribe, the meaning and the fate of which was unknown. Therefore, Herodotus notes that the “kas” is a people who died for a long time.
This situation can be referred to the ancient and middle ages Turkic words and ethinyms, the meaning of which is still unclear: kun (hun), bun, sibun, bask, ser, serik (seriki), ker (iya), etc. In fact, these words by adding the "a" akun (akhun-white on-white huns, ebun-on eblər, asibun-ten home as) belonged to the most ancient in the Caucasus, the Turkic-speaking people ebas ak (saks) – white as-ebi-home-motherland (Caucasian ), aser-azer, aserik (Aseriki) as the second-as Aker-Iya-(Caucasus) - "White er". Sample itself shows that "sak" historically was "asak" (white as).

In work of Strabo of V century BC we met the name of king of Iran Ksereks and Ksersana province in Erman- turk province. Reading of ks in "Akasia" words occurred in this word too and have changed recognized patterns in Turkic languages. According to the ancient Turkish alphabet, ak aser akas ... (White as master) and the akas er ak, as on ... (the white as men white as) expressions are the name of titles for millennia of BC.
In the past, in Turkish hands, “Uluğ ak as er eli” and “Kiçiq ak as er eli” ("el" - means the state) supposes that they are the ancient names of "The Great Media" and "Small Media". These names now was preserved in Morocco and Algeria in words "al Ksar El Kebir" and "El Ksar al-Sagir" .
Rum (Turkey), "Eron". Due to the nature of the ancient Turkish alphabet in-text this word (Ron) is run. Word consists of two parts - "er" and "on" and using on number like in Unaqeb – home of whites - Marv, Karkuns’ white men- as the head. So, Eron means “home of ten ers”. In millennium BC, Turkish as tribes numbered from one to thousand and even more. In this sense, Eron in the non-Turkish authors’ transcription (without e) was recorded as "Run". Araqon and Alazon (er, ak, on, and on) in the Caucasus informs about ancient addresses of az on -on az and azlar and On tribes. Replacing of word n ® m at the end of "Run" word was typical for Turkish language. M. Kashgari (XI century) writes based on qurun-qurum, boğun-boğum: "This law is characteristic of the Turkic languages. I accept it as "the new Turkish". But ordinary people of qıpcaq and other tribes speak like that."

RAQ. According to Strabo’s note after it has been restored the city called by Greeks as "Yevrop" was called by Parthians as "Arsak". According to the above-mentioned peculiarities of the ancient Turkish alphabet Erak (Arak) word was "ağ ərlər” (white men) and its form of his writing by the Greek authors was transcribed in fact not as Erak (Arak) but as RAQ.
The from of this word in centuries BC and millenniums belonging to Turkish community was reflected in the name of tributary of the Kura River - "Arak”, as well as the town of Midia" Raq "actually Raq- Erak.
With name of "Arak" (Arak) existence of Akar (naniya), Akar (nanlar) as a community, region, tribes not only in the Caucasus, proves that they had motherlands outside it, too.
Ibn Khordadbeh (IX century) informs about city known under the name Er-Rey (near Tehran) belonged to Midia and Yagut Hamavi (XII-XIII century) reported that Raq city, which has been conquered by Omar Khalifa and ruined in 1220 by the Mongols. It is clear that now the Iraqi Turkmen calls "Eraq" for "Iraq" and it was connected with name of the "Aker" (erak), and the Arabs pronounced it as "Eraq" . It should be noted that, name of "Iran" country’s was emerged as Iron (in kipchak- on er) and it if of Turkic origin, which now considered as Iran. In addition to that we can say that now in the Caucasus (Georgia) Ironi toponym also proves it.

Van (Turkey) "Ebon". the opening of this word related to On ev tribe means the house of Onas- Onasların evi - the motherland. Ancient names of city, place of residence, mountains Ion, Eleon (Il on, El on), Araqon (er-ak –on) proves that on as er (sak er) was settled not only in the Caucasus but in the Middle East, Asia Minor, etc. Being "Bon" origin Afon (Afos) - "On" ların evi (On asların evi) in Frakia, the replacement of name of peninsula, the mountain of the b ® f, e ® a, a ® o , finally, the transcription of "ebon" w/o e ( bon) became "Van" – the name of lake and state.
This type of historical and modern Arbun, Orkun, (Orkhon River), Krun, Karun, Askeran, Shabran etc. place of residence was linked to as aklar (Sak), as well as reflects the meaning of Arsak.
As can be seen, the word Arsak is of same origin of words like Arsarı, Artogrul, Ardahan, Ardabil, Araz (Araz), Erzurum, Arak (Arakh), etc. with er word but also it is of pure Turkic origin ...
... Obviously, invaded the Caucasus foreigners has no right from historical or moral point of view to own the name Arsak (Arsak) – derived from “Er asak” meant the land of Ag as er, i.e. Garabagh

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