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Chronology of Garabagh region of Azerbaijan 

• IV century B.C. Azerbaijan Alban state was established, which included Artsakh-Garabagh province.
• VII century. Garabagh was included into Arabian khalifate. The majority of population in the province adopts Islam.
• IX century. Garabagh was within the state of Sajids.
• XII century. Garabagh was within the state of Atabeg.
• XIV-XV centuries. Garabagh was within Garagoyunlu and Aggoyunlu states.
• XVI-XVIII century. Garabagh belonged to state of Safavid.
• 1750. Garabagh khannate was created.
• May 14, 1805. Garabagh khannate was taken under patronage of Russia.
• 1823. According to the first formal census of 18563 families living on the territory of present Daglyg Garabagh only 1559 families or 8.4% are Armenians.
• 1827. According to the act of Caucasus Archaeographic Commission 12 thousand families were living mostly in mountainous part of Garabagh, of these only 2.5 thousand were non-Muslim.
• 1828-1830. According to Turkmenchay agreement 40 thousand Armenians from Iran and 84 thousand Armenians from Turkey were resettled to Yerevan and Yelizavetpol (now Ganja) provinces. Most of those sent to Ganja province were settled on the territory of present Agdere.
• 1832. As a result of resettlements the number of Armenian population in Daglyg Garabagh reached 34.8%.
• 1878. At the Berlin congress Britain and Russia for the first time brought to agenda “Armenian problem”.
• 1886. It was shown in “Caucasian calendar” that in Zangezur district Azerbaijani constitute 45.7%, Armenians 24.8% and other nationalities 29.5% respectively.
• February 1905. Armenian terrorist groups organize massacres in Baku, Irevan, Zangezur, Garabagh, Nakhchyvan and other places. Over 50 thousand Azerbaijani were killed.
• August, 1905. Groups of Armenians attacked districts of Shusha where Azerbaijani were living, about 100 Azerbaijani were killed, about 20 houses were put on fire.
• December, 1905. Organization “Difai” (Defence) was established and headed by Ahmed bey Agaogly.
• December 26, 1905. 500 villagers from Umudlu village of Agdere province on their way to Agdam were killed by the group of Avram hampa.
• July, 1906. Second attack of armed Armenians to Shuhsa.
• 1918. In 4 districts of Yerevan province 199 Azerbaijani villages were devastated, 135 thousand Azerbaijani were displaced.
• March 17, 1918. Armenian terrorists killed over 10 thousand Azerbaijani in the city of Urmiya. From that date within a month over 100 thousand people were killed in Urmiya, Salmas, Khoy, Maku, Sherefkhan, etc.
• March 18, 1918. In 53 villages of Shamakhy province Armenians killed 8 thousand 27 people, including 4190 men, 2560 women, 1277 children. Till the end of the month about 12 thousand people were killed.
• March 19-31, 1918. In Baku Armenians killed 18 thousand Azerbaijani.
• May 1-9, 1918. 122 villages were devastated in Guba province, 2800 Azerbaijani were killed.
• May 29, 1918. After long-lasting pressure of Entente countries the parliament (Milli Shura) of Azerbaijan made decision on handing over Azerbaijan’s city of Yerevan to Armenia.
• Summer and Autumn of 1918. Armenians devastated 115 Azerbaijani villages in Zangezur province, 7729 Azerbaijani were killed. About 400 Azerbaijani were burned alive in mosque.
• January 29, 1919. Garabagh general-governate was established.
• December 1, 1920. A large part of Zangezur province of Azerbaijan was handed over to Armenia by decision of Moscow leadership.
• July 7, 1923. Moscow leaders made a decision to gave a status of autonomic region to Daglyg Garabagh.
• September 18, 1923. Khankendi had changed into Stepanokert.
• February 18, 1929. By the decision of leadership in Moscow 675 sq.km of territory of Nakhchyvan Autonomous Republic, including villages Gurdbulag, Horadiz, Ogbun, Almaly, Itgyran, Sultanbey, Garseven, Kilid and some others, was given to Armenia. Nuvedi village of Zangilan province and 4400 hectares of forest of Gazakh province were also given to Armenia.
• 1930. By decision of leadership in Moscow, settlements Aldere, Lehvaz, Astazur and some others of Nakhchyvan were given to Armenia, where they formed Mehri province.
• 1938. Moscow leadership made a decision to give part of Sederek and Kerki villages of Nakhchyvan to Armenia.
• November 28, 1945. Armenia’s leader H.Aryutinov appeals to Stalin with a request to annex Daglyg Garabagh to Armenia.
• 1947-1953. Over 150 thousand Azerbaijani living as a community in Armenia were moved to Azerbaijan by decision of USSR leaders.
• 1965. M.Hovanesyan, inhabitant of Khankendi, sent to USSR’s Supreme Soviet a letter signed by 13 Armenians requesting annexation of Daglyg Garabagh to Armenia.
• June-August, 1967. Armenian Benik’s child disappeared in Kuropatkin village of Khojavend region of Daglyg Garabagh. Later child’s body was found in the area belonging to the brigade of Alemshah Mustafayev. For this, brigader Alemshah, director Ershad and villager Zohrab were arrested. Since their fault was not proved, the case was returned from the court to the investigation. But Armenians stop the prison car, overturn it, kill all three of them and put on fire. In a short time it was proved that the child was killed by its own uncle.
• 1969. In Khankendi a grenade was thrown down from balcony of “Garabagh” hotel, three Azerbaijani were injured.
• 1969. Based on decision of leadership in Moscow part of territories of Garagol in Lachin province, Chayzemi in Gubadly province, Kemerli village of Gazakh province and Zod gold field in Kelbajar province were given to Armenia.
• 1982. By decision of leadership in Moscow territories of Gazakh province, including summer fields Injedere, part of territories of villages Kemerli, Aslanbeyli and Gaymagly were given to Armenia.
• December 1985. XXII Congress of “Dashnaktsutun” party held in Afines made decision to widen a struggle for “Great Armenia”.
• 1986. By decision of leadership in Moscow 2500 hectares of Gazakh province were given to Armenia.
• 1987. National congress of Armenians held in Paris, by insistence of Academician A.Aganbekyan took advantage from changes starting in USSR and made a decision to annex Daglyg Garabagh to Armenia.
• June-July, 1987. Armenians spead leaflets in Khankendi and started a propaganda for separation of Daglyg Garabagh from Azerbaijan.
• October 1987. “Garabagh Committee” held its first rally in Yerevan. The Committee is headed by Igor Muradyan and Levon Ter-Petrosyan.
• November 16, 1987. A.Aganbekyan, economic advisor of M.Gorbachov, in his interview to Paris newspapers had informed that he managed to gain a consent of M.Gorbachov on giving Daglyg Garabagh to Armenia.
• February 13, 1988. Armenians held their first meeting in front of the building of Regional Committee of Party in Khankendi. Arkadiy Manucharov, chairman of terroristic organization “Krunk” rules the meeting of 400 people.
• February 19, 1988. Anti-Turkish meeting was held in Yerevan. Participants demanded “To clear Armenia from Turkish” and “Only Armenians must live in Armenia”.
• February 19, 1988. The fisrt march was held in Baku with slogans “Garbagh is ours”.
• February 20, 1988. Armenians held another meeting of 3 thousand people in front of the building of Regional Committe of Party In Khankendi. Regional Soviet of Daglyg Garabagh made a decision to annex to Armenia and sent it to the Supreme Soviet of USSR.
• February 22, 1988. Peaceful march of Azerbaijani in Askeran settlement was attcked by armed Armenians. 2 teenagers – Ali Hajiyev and Bakhtiyar Guliyev were killed, 19 people wounded.
• February 23, 1988. B.Gevorkov, First Secretary of Regional Committee of Party, was fired and G.Pogosyan was appointed at his position.
• February 28-29, 1988. In Sumgayit the violent actions of provocative nature were done by Armenians, 26 Armenians and 6 Azerbaijani were killed.
• May 14, 1988. Azerbaijani held a meeting in Shusha with attendance of 5 thousand people. Participants voiced a demand to stop attacks of armed Armenians.
• May 16, 1988. A group of Azerbaijani were beaten in Khandendi and being pushed into a car, they were sent to Shusha.
• May 16, 1988. Particiapants of the meeting held in Baku voiced a demand to stop separatist activity of Armenians in Daglyg Garabagh and activity of envoys from Armenia.
• June 15, 1988. Supreme Soviet of Armenia made decision to annex Daglyg Garabagh to Armenia.
• June 24, 1988. Arkadiy Volski was sent to Daglyg Garabagh as a special representative of Moscow.
• September 18-21, 1988. In Khandendi the houses of Azerbaijani were put on fire, people were beaten and sent to Shusha.
• September 21, 1988. On the territory of Daglyg Garabagh and Agdam the emergency situation was announced.
• September 22, 1988. Mass strikes and meetings were held in Yerevan, Leninakan, Abovyan, Echmiadzin and other cities with a demand to annex Garabagh to Armenia and withdraw Azerbaijani from Armenia.
• October 4, 1988. In Khankendi and Khojaly cities of Daglyg Garabagh the Azerbaijani were attacked, they were beaten with a demand to go away.
• November 18-December 5, 1988. Continuous mass meetings were held at the Azadlig square in Baku. Meeting attendants demand to stop atrocities of Armenians in Daglyg Garabagh and interference of Armenia into affairs of Daglyg Garabagh.
• November 21, 1988. While unrest in Baku and Ganja 3 military were killed, a number of people were wounded. An emergency situation was declared in Baku, Nakhchyvan and Ganja.
• November 24, 1988. Villages Eyvazli, Gadirli and Davudlu of Gubadly province of Azerbaijan were attacked from territory of Armenia. Eyvazli village was burned to ashes.
• November, 1988. In Vartan village in the north-east of Armenia 12 Azerbaijani were burned alive.
• End of November, 1988. 70 Azerbaijani were killed in Gugark province of Armenia. Of those 21 people were killed in Gozeldere village, including 6 women and 3 infants.
• December 8, 1988. 80 professional rescuers, a mechanized group were sent to Spitak to rescue survivers from earthquake in Armenia. In a few days they rescued 63 people.
• December 10, 1988. Due to earthquake a plane had changed its route to Yugoslaviya and directed to Armenia by the route Belgrad-Ankara-Yerevan. Because the plane were flying from Ankara, Armenians considered it the Turkish plane and led it to crash. 6 people of plane staff were killed in a crash.
• December 11, 1988. A group of rescuers from Azerbaijan went to Leninakan city of Armenia to help those suffered from earthquake. Sending wrong information about coordinates, Armenians led the plane to crash. 69 rescuers and 4 people of plane staff were killed. Only one rescuer survived. He had been placed to the hospital, but later Armenians held a meeting and demanded to sent him out from hospital.
• December 15, 1988. USSR’s leadership gave order to leaders of Azerbaijan and Armenia to punish some high ranked officials in their republics for illegal actions. Within a month in Azerbaijan supposedly for harassement of Armenians there were brought to justice 2532 people, 222 people were fired, 65 people expelled from the Party and Komsomol. After these measures over than 19 thousand Armenians returned to Azerbaijan. In Armenia during the same period 13 people were expelled from the Party, 24 people were fired and 69 people had party punishment. No one Azerbaijani returned to Armenia.
• December 25, 1988. Deportation of over 250 thousand Azerbaijani from Armenia almost finished.
• January 12, 1989. Supreme Soviet of USSR established Special Management Committee in Daglyg Garabagh. Arkadiy Volskiy, the representative of Moscow is appointed as head of the Committee. Committee consists of 5 Russians, 2 Armenians and 1 Azerbaijani.
• May 6, 1989. In Moscow the I Congress of People’s Deputies of USSR had started its work. The Congress adopts decisions in accordance with interests of Armenians.
• July 7, 1989. Azerbaijani settlement Kerkijahan located nearby to Khankendi was put on fire.
• July 8, 1989. Armenians held in Kahnkendi a meeting, at which gave a start to “Miatsum” movement and elected Robert Kocharyan as a chairman.
• July 16, 1989. Azerbaijan People’s Front is established and Abulfaz Elchibey is elected its chairman.
• July 29, 1989. Due to continuous attacks of Armenians, movement of trains from Azerbaijan’s center to Nakhchyvan was stopped. Nakhchyvan Autonomous Republic fall into a blocade.
• August 16, 1989. Armenians in Khankendi held a “Congress of population of Daglyg Garabagh”, establish National Soviet and Presidium. The Congress declares Daglyg Garbagh as “independent territory of the union”.
• September 15, 1989. Supreme Soviet of Azerbaijan abolished Special Management Committee of Daglyg Garabagh.
• September 16, 1989. Armenians exploded a bus on the route Tbilisi-Baku, 5 people were killed, 25 injured.
• September 21, 1989. Azerbaijani living in Khankendi were beaten and expelled from a city.
• October 7, 1989. Armenian terrorist A.Abramyan exploded Khalfalichay bridge in Shusha.
• December 1, 1989. Supreme Soviet of Armenia adopted a decision to annex Daglyg Garabagh to Armenia.
• December 6, 1989. Supreme Soviet of Azerbaijan established Republican Steering Committee for Daglyg Garabagh. V.Polyanichko, one of the leaders of the Party in Azerbaijan had been appointed as chairman of the Committee.
• December 31, 1989. Border facilities were destroyed along 137 km of border along Araz river.
• January 4, 1990. G.Sarkisyan, Armenian terrorist, exploded Askeran-Agdam bridge.
• January 12, 1990. Armed group of 500 people flew by helicopter from Armenia to Gushchu village of Khanlar province of Azerbaijan. They destroyed the village and killed dozens of civil population.
• January 15, 1990. Supreme Soviet of USSR announces an emergency situation in Daglyg Garabagh and neighboring provinces.
• January 18, 1990. Armed groups of Armenia occupy Kerki village of Nakhchyvan Autonomous Republic.
• January 20, 1990. Soviet troops made unseen violence while entering Baku. According to formal information, 131 people were killed, over 800 wounded.
• February 18, 1990. Armenians exploded a bus on route Shuhsa-Baku, 13 people were injured.
• July 11, 1990. Armenians attacked car caravan moving from Terter to Kelbajar. 14 people were killed, 35 injured.
• August 10, 1990. A bus on the route Tbilisi-Agdam was exploded by Armenian terrorists A.Avanesyan and M.Tatevosyan. 20 people were killed, 30 injured.
• August 10, 1990. Armenian terrorists put an explosion in a bus on route Shamkir-Ganja. 17 people were killed, 26 injured.
• August 20, 1990. Armed forces of Armenia occupied Baganis Ayrim village of Gazakh province. 5 villagers were burned alive in their houses.
• November 30, 1990. Terrorists from Armenia exploded a passenger bus nearby Khankendi. 2 people were killed, 11 injured.
• December 15, 1990. Terrorist group of S.Babayan killed 3 Azerbaijani in Askeran.
• January 9, 1991. Armenian terrorist group of 5 people killed Salatin Asgerova, the correspondent of newspaper “ Molodej Azerbaijana” and 2 servicemen on Lachin-Shusha road.
• January 14, 1991. Supreme Soviet of Azerbaijan adopts a decision on abolishment of Shaumyan (village) province.
• April 18, 1991. Armenian terrorist G.Sarkisyan killed 3 Azerbaijani militia in Khojavend province.
• May 30, 1991. Armenian terrorists exploded a train on route from Moscow to Baku. 11 people were killed and 22 injured.
• June 19, 1991. Armenian terrorists exploded a car on the road Yevlakh-Lachin. 11 people were killed, 3 injured.
• June 27, 1991. Armenian terrorist organization “Garabagh” attacked Garadaghly village of Daglyg Garabagh, 6 Azerbaijani were killed.
• July 31, 1991. Armenian terrorists exploded passenger train Moscow-Baku, 16 people were killed, 20 injured.
• August 2, 1991. Armenians exploded a car in Dolanlar village of Hadrut province of Daglyg Garabagh, 4 people were killed, 8 injured.
• August 8, 1991. By the order of Armenia’s leadership population of Nuvedi, the last Azerbaijani village in Armenia, were beaten and expelled.
• August 21, 1991. A bus was exploded in Shadakht village of Hadrut province of Daglyg Garabagh, 2 people were killed, 10 injured.
• August 23, 1991. On the road from Shuhsa to Jamilli a bus was attacked by Armenian terrorists, 4 people were killed, 13 injured.
• August 30, 1991. Azerbaijan made public Declaration on restoration of its independence.
• September 2, 1991. Armenians declared establishment of so-called “Daglyg Garabagh republic”.
• September 5, 1991. Ministry of Defence of Azerbaijan Republic was established. General Valeh Bershadly was appointed as Minister.
• September 8, 1991. Armenian terrorists attacked a bus on the route Agdam-Khojavend, 5 people were killed, 34 injured.
• September 8, 1991. Armenian terrorists attacked a bus on the route Agdam-Garadaghly, 8 people were killed, 42 injured.
• September 23, 1991. Presidents of Azerbaijan, Armenia, Russia and Kazakhstan met in Jeleznovodsk city of North Caucasus and “interim working group” was created for regulation of situation.
• September 26, 1991. Armenian terrorists exploded a car on the road Yevlakh-Lachin, 2 people were killed, 14 injured.
• October 18, 1991. Azerbaijan adopted “Constitutional act on independence”.
• October 19, 1991. Armenians exploded a car nearby to Syrkhavend village of Agdere province of Daglyg Garabagh, 3 people were killed, 2 injured.
• November 20, 1991. Armenian terrorists shot down “Mi-8” helicopter in surroundings of Garakend village of Khojavend province. Helicopter pilots and all those on board were killed, including: T.Ismayilov, State Secretary of Azerbaijan Republic; Z.Hajiyev, Deputy Prime Minister; M.Asadov, President Advisor; I.Gayibov, Senior Prosecutor; members of parliament: V.Jafarov, V.Mammadov; O.Mirzayev, head of department at the President’s Staff; G.Namazaliyev, 1st Deputy of Minister for Melioration and Water Resources Management; I.Plavski, Prosecutor of Daglyg Garabagh; S.Ivanov, head of Department at National Security Ministry; General-Mayor V.Kovalyov, chief of militia of Daglyg Garabagh; N.Jinkin, Comandant; R.Mammadov, assistant of state secretary; employees of Azerbaijan television and radio: A.Mustafayev, A.Huseynzadeh, F.Shahbazov; observers: General-Mayor M.Lukashov and Lieutenant-Colonel V.Kocharov; S.Serikov, 1st Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Kazakhstan.
• November 26, 1991. Parliament of Azerbaijan adopted a law on abolition of Daglyg Garabagh Autonomous Region.
• November 27, 1991. State Council of USSR demanded from Azerbaijan leadership to change the decision on abolition of Daglyg Garabagh Autonomous Region.
• December 8, 1991. Near Brest city of Belorussia, in Belovejsk, an agreement was signed by Russia, Ukraine and Belorussia to establish Commonwealth of Independent States.
• December 10, 1991. Armemians of Daglyg Garabagh held a referendum and vote for “independence”.
• December 23, 1991. Armenian terrorist organization “Garabagh” attacked Mesheli village of Askeran region of Daglyg Garabagh, 6 people were killed, 15 injured.
• December 26, 1991. Suleyman Abbasov, citizen of Shusha, together with his pregnant wife and a son of one and half year old, his mother-in-law and the driver of car were killed by Armenian terrorists on the road from Agdam to Shusha.
• December 27, 1991. Armenians attacked Kerkijahan settlement nearby to Khankendi with use of heavy technics. A group of 22 defenders led by Mehman Huseynov enter into unequal fight. After 8 hours of battle over 70 Armenians were killed.
• January 8, 1992. Armenian terrorists exploded ferry-boat from Krasnovodsk to Baku. 25 people were killed, 88 injured.
• January 10, 1992. Republican Steering Committee left Khankendi.
• January 15, 1992. Kerkijahan settlement was occupied.
• January 26, 1992. Azerbajani soldiers captured in ambush made by Armenians in Dashalty village nearby to Shusha. In unequal fighting 33 people were killed, 36 injured and 34 were lost.
• January 28, 1992. Civilian helicopter, which was flying from Agdam to Shusha, had been shot down by Armenian terrorists. All those on board were killed, including 3 staff members and 41 passengers, mostly women and children.
• January 30, 1992. Azerbaijan and Armenia became members of CSCE (OSCE).
• February 10, 1992. There were occupied villages Gushchular and Malybeyli.
• February 13-17, 1992. Garadaghly village of Khojavend region of Daglyg Garabagh was occupied.
• February 25-26, 1992. Armenian armed groups together with 366th regiment of Russia totally devastated Khojaly city making a terrible genocide.
• March 2, 1992. Azerbaijan became a member of UN.
• March 8, 1992. Kheyrimli village of Gazakh province was occupied.
• March 12, 1992. Ashaghy Eskipara village of Gazakh province was occupied.
• March 12, 1992. There were captured villages of Daglyg Garabagh, including Syrkhavend, Garashlar, Beshirler, Bash Guneypeye, Orta Guneypeye, Khatynbeyli and Manikli.
• March 22, 1992. Armenian terrorists exploded a car in Gazakh province, 3 people were killed, 2 injured.
• March 24, 1992. Minsk group with representatives of 11 countries was created within the framework of CSCE (OSCE). The group included representatives of Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belorussia, Germany, Italy, Russia, USA, Turkey, France, Sweden, Chechoslovakia (later replaced by Austria, Finland and Norway).
• April 7, 1992. Agdaban village of Kelbajar province was occupied and put on fire.
• April 12, 1992. Armenians used chemical weapons against defenders of Shusha.
• April 27, 1992. Sofulu village of Gazakh province was occupied.
• May 8, 1992. Armenia’s troops occupied city of Shusha.
• May 11, 1992. Gyzyl Hajyly village of Gazakh province was occupied.
• May 15, 1992. Accordng to agreement signed in Tashkent “On interspersion of miltary inventory of USSR”, weapons of the IV Army were given to Azerbaijan.
• May 18, 1992. Armenian armed forces occupied Lachin.
• May 20, 1992. Armenian terrorists exploded a car in surroundings of Gazanchy village of Zangilan province, 2 people were killed, 2 injured.
• June 8, 1992. Yukhary Eskipara village of Gazakh province was occupied.
• June 12, 1992. Azerbaijan Army started large scaled military operations. After 83 days of attack the half of territory of Daglyg Garabagh was liberated.
• August 8, 1992. Bashkend settlement of Gedebey province was liberated.
• October 24, 1992. Congress of USA adopts “amendment to section 907”. This prohibited the aid of USA to Azerbaijan.
• December 10-12, 1992. Aggressor forces of Armenia occupy villages of Gubadly and Zangilan provinces, including Shayifly, Seidler, Erkend, Bereli, Gazanchy, Gungyshlag, Pirveyisli, Janbar and Yukhary Gayaly.
• February 28, 1993. Passenger train from Kislovodsk to Baku was exploded by Armenian terrorists, 11 people were killed, 18 injured.
• March 27-28, 1993. Villages of Kelbajar province were occupied, including villages Aggaya, Merjimek, Tezekend, Aghjakend and Naryshlar.
• April 2, 1993. Armenia’s armed forces occupied Kelbajar province.
• April 30, 1993. UN Security Council adopts resolution 822.
• May 20, 1993. Russian troops were withdrawn from Azerbaijan.
• June 2, 1993. A passenger train was exploded at Baku railway station by a terrorist group sent by intelligence service of Armenia. By accident there were no dead and wounded.
• June 12-15, 1993. There were occupied villages Aliaghaly, Alimededli and Galaychilar of Agdam province.
• June 25, 1993. There were occupied villages Boyahmedli and Papravend of Agdam province.
• June 26, 1993. Armenians occupied the city of Agdere.
• July 4, 1993. Villages Arish, Gochahmedli, Garajaly, Khatynbulag and Gorazilli were occupied in Fizuli province.
• July 5, 1993. Shelli village of Agdam province was occupied.
• July 21, 1993. Mughanly and Shykhbabaly villages of Agdam province were occupied.
• July 22, 1993. Villages Merzili, Novruzlu, Yusifjanly, Giyasly, Khydyrly, Saryjaly and Muradbeyli of Agdam province were occupied.
• July 22, 1993. Armenian terrorists made an explosion in Terter province, 5 people were killed, 18 injured.
• July 22, 1993. Armenian terrorists made an explosion in Gazakh province, 6 people were killed, 10 injured.
• July 23, 1993. Armenia’s armed forces occupied Agdam.
• July 24, 1993. Juvarly village of Fizuli province was occupied.
• July 29, 1993. UN Security Council adopted resolution 853.
• August 15, 1993. There were occupied villages Ashaghy Veyselli, Yukhary Yaghlivend of Fizuli province and villages Sur, Banazur, Gushchular and Gyshlag of Jabrail province.
• August 23, 1993. Armed forces of Armenia occupied Fizuli.
• August 23, 1993. Armed forces of Armenia occupied Jabrail.
• August 27, 1993. Movement for Liberation of Garabagh was established. Khagani Huseynov was elected a chairman.
• August 30, 1993. In Hadrut province a car was exploded by Armenian terrorists, 2 people were killed.
• August 31, 1993. Armed forces of Armenia occupied Gubadly.
• September 2, 1993. At outskirts of Hadrut province a passenger bus was exploded by Armenian terrorists, 4 people were killed, 8 injured.
• September 24, 1993. Azerbaijan became a member of Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).
• October 14, 1993. UN Security Council adopted resolution 874.
• October 23, 1993. Horadiz settlement of Fizuli province was occupied.
• October 28, 1993. Minjivan settlement of Zangilan province was occupied.
• October 29, 1993. Armed forces of Armenia occupied Zangilan.
• November 12, 1993. UN Security Council adopted resolution 884.
• December 21-22, 1993. Parliament Assembly of CIS proposed to resolve Garabagh problem according to “Aland model”.
• January 8, 1994. Horadiz settlement of Fizuli province liberated from Armenian occupation. As a result of armed operations Azerbaijan Army had thrown the enemy back amd moved forward for 30 km.
• February 1, 1994. A passenger train Kislovodsk-Baku was exploded by Armenian terrorists, 3 people were killed, over 20 injured.
• March 18, 1994. Armenian terrorists shot down a plane with Iranian diplomats and their famlies over Khankendi, 34 people were killed.
• March 19, 1994. Armenian terrorists made an explosion at “January 20” underground station, 14 people killed, 49 injured.
• April 13, 1994. A passenger train Moscow-Baku was exploded by Armenian terrorists, 6 people were killed, 3 injured.
• May 12, 1994. Ceasefire entered into force between Azerbaijan and Armenia.
• July 3, 1994. Underground train was exploded by Armenian terrorists in Baku, 13 people were killed, 42 injured.
• November 10, 1994. Parliament Assembly of European Council adopted resolution 1047 on Garabagh conflict and appealed to parties to hold back from military operations, which might break the ceasefire.
• December 5-6, 1994. OSCE summit was held in Budapest. For the first time, Daglyg Garabagh conflict was discussed as a separate problem and basic principles of stage-by-stage regulation were defined.
• December 13, 1994. Summit of Organization of Islamic Conference in Casablanka adopted a resolution, which recognized Armenia as a country-occupant.
• November 29, 1995. Armenian terrorists made an explosion in Baku underground, 286 people were killed, 269 injured.
• December 3, 1996. Summit of OSCE was held in Lisbon. The meeting mostly took into account the interests of Armenia, there was not adopted a resolution on Garabagh conflict.
• February, 1997. Institution of 3 co-chairing countries of the Minsk group has been established.
• July 18, 1997. Co-chairmen of Minsk group of OSCE proposed “package version” for regulation of Daglyg Garabagh conflict.
• August 29, 1997. Russia and Armenia signed agreement “On friendship and cooperation” for cooperation in military sphere.
• December 2, 1997. Minsk group of OSCE proposed stage-by-stage version for regulation of Daglyg Garabagh conflict.
• June 28, 1998. Coordination Council was established for social and political organizations on Garabagh.
• November 7, 1998. OSCE Minsk group co-chairmen proposed the concept “Common State” for regulation of Daglyg Garabagh conflict.
• July 29, 1999. Azerbaijan and Turkey signed in Baku the agreement on military aid.
• August 1-30, 1999. Coordination Council on Garabagh held hunger-strike and demanded from international organizations to recognize Armenia as aggressor and impose appropriate sanctions.
• October 27, 1999. Armenian terrorists invaded the parliament of Armenia and killed the speaker, prime minister and several members of parliament.
• November 19, 1999. OSCE held summit in Istanbul. Discussion were held on Garabagh conflict, however no document had been adopted.
• January 28, 2000. Organization of Liberation of Garabagh has been established. Akif Naghy elected as chairman.
• January 25, 2001. Azerbaijan and Armenia became members of European Council.
• February 23-24, 2001. Discussions of Garabagh problem held in the parliament of Azerbaijan with participation of representatives of social and political organizations.
• December 22, 2001. By initiative of Organization of Liberation of Garabagh a public rally devoted to Garabagh was held. Participants demanded to liberate occupied territories by armed operations.
• January 18, 2002. By initiative of Organization of Liberation of Garabagh a public rally devoted to Garabagh was held. Participants once again demanded to liberate occupied territories by armed operations.
• February 22, 2003. By initiative of Organization of Liberation of Garabagh a public rally devoted to anniversary of Khojaly genocide was held.
• August 13, 2003. There was arrested a group of youngsters desired to start guerilla war in Garabagh.
• April, 2004. Start of “Prague process” of negotiations over Garabagh.
• May 8, 2004. Organization of Liberation of Garabagh held a public rally to Garabagh, participants reached trenches of Azerbaijan’s soldiers and held meeting in there.
• June 22, 2004. As a protest to participation of Armenian officers at NATO conference in Baku, Organization of Liberation of Garabagh held a protest action in front of Hotel “Europe”, a group of action participants enter the hotel and conference work was stopped. 6 members of QAT were arrested. NATO management was forced to cancel military training planned in Baku with attendance of military from Armenia.
• January 25, 2005. Parliament Assembly of European Council adopted a resolution and confirmed fact of occupation of Azerbaijan territories by Armenia.
• May 8, 2005. Organization of Liberation of Garabagh held peaceful rallies in several districts of Baku devoted to anniversary of occupation of Shuhsa.
• September, 2005. Minsk group co-chairmen proposed to both sides a version of “transition status”.
• November 30, 2005. Organization of Liberation of Garabagh held actions of protest in front of embassies of Russia, USA and France in Azerbaijan. They demand to bring to an end the activity of Minsk group.
• December 16, 2005. As a protest to Baku visit of Minsk group co-chairmen, Organization of Liberation of Garabagh held actions of protests at airport, in front of Ministry of Foreign Affairs and “Hayat Park” Hotel, where co-chairmen held press-conference. Activists of QAT entered press-conference hall, forced to stop press-conference and demanded from co-chairmen to leave the country.
• April 13-17, 2006. As a protest to unfair verdict of Budapest city court in case of Ramil Safarov, the officer of Azerbaijan Army, Organization of Liberation of Garabagh held rallies in Baku, Sheki, Mingechevir, Aghsu, Lenkoran, Barda, other cities and refugee camps.
• June 22, 2006. Minsk group co-chairmen made a joint statement to clarify “basic principles of regulation”.
• October 13-19, 2006. Organization of Liberaton of Garabagh held series of protest actions in front of embassy of France in Azerbaijan, as a protest to a law adopted by parliament of France on punishment for unrecognition of “Armenian genocide”.
• December 29, 2006. Minsk group co-chairmen admitted that they did not achieve any results in 2006.
• November 29-December 1, 2007. In Madrid the co-chairmen of Minsk group proposed to both sides “new basic principles”.
• March 14, 2008. 62nd session of UN General Assembly adopted resolution on “Situation in occupied territories of Azerbaijan”.
• August 8, 2008. Russia made armed invasion into Georgia and military-political situation in the region had changed.
• August-September, 2008. Turkey and Iran initiated new mediation attempt over Garabagh problem. Russia and USA increased their diplomatic activity.
• January 28, 2009 - Azerbaijani and Armenian Presidents Ilham Aliyev and Serzh Sargsyan, met in Switzerland (Zurich), within the framework of the Davos Economic Forum to discuss settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.
• May 7, 2009 - next meeting on settlement of Nagorno-Karabakh conflict held between Presidents of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and Armenia Serzh Sargsyan in the capital of the Czech Republic, Prague. The meeting, that took place at the U.S Embassy in Czech Republic, lasted three hours.
• June 4, 2009 - in connection with the settlement of the Karabakh conflict, the next meeting between Azerbaijani and Armenian Presidents Ilham Aliyev and Serzh Sargsyan was held in St. Petersburg, on June 4.
• July 17, 2009 – In Moscow "President-Hotel" the heads of state of Azerbaijan and Armenia Ilham Aliyev and Serzh Sarkisian met at the next time to discuss the Karabakh settlement
• July 18 - the leaders of Azerbaijan and Armenia met with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and continued exchange of views on the Karabakh issue in the non-official format (at lunch).
• October 8, 2009 – in Moldova's capital Chisinau, a next round of talks between Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan held over Nagorno-Karabakh issue.
• November 22, 2009 – the next meeting in connection with the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenian Presidents was held in Munich, Germany.
• January 25, 2010 - the next round of negotiations in connection with the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict was realized between Azerbaijan and Armenian presidents in the Russian Black Sea city of Sochi.
• May 14, 2010 - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan disseminated the statement and condemned the intetnion of Armenia to hold "parliament" elections in so-called regime of Nagorno-Karabakh (23 May).
• May 23, 2010 - "parliamentary elections" were held in the separatist regime in Nagorno-Karabakh.
• June 17, 2010 - the next round of high-level talks on settlement of Nagorno-Karabakh conflict realized in Saint-Petersburg, Russia.
• June 19, 2010 – on night of June 19 during confrontation between Azerbaijani and Armenian troops at the contact line the National Hero of Azerbaijan Mubariz Agakerim oglu Ibrahimov was died as martyr.
• June 26, 2010 - Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, U.S. President Barack Obama and French President Nicolas Sarkozy adopted a declaration on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict in Canada, at the summit of G8.
• July 6, 2010 – the ceremony of opening of the central headquarters of Azerbaijani community of Nagorno-Karabakh region of Azerbaijan Republic was held. President Ilham Aliyev attended the ceremony.
• July 16, 2010 – within framework of the informal summit of foreign ministers of the OSCE countries foreign ministers of Azerbaijan and Armenia Elmar Mammadyarov and Edward Nalbandian met separately with the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs.
• October 27, 2010 - President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, President of Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev and President of the Republic of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan had a meeting in Astrakhan.
• March 05, 2011 - the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev had a meeting with the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs at Sochi’s "Adler" International airport.
• March 05, 2011 - President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev and President of the Republic of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan had a meeting in Sochi and signed a joint statement.
• June 24, 2011 - President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, President of Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev and President of the Republic of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan had a meeting in Kazan Kremlin and signed a joint statement.
• September 29, 2011 - President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev met in Warsaw with the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs.

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