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"Garabaghnames" (Annals of Garabagh)


To study political, economic and cultural history Garabagh khanate, one of the oldest areas of Azerbaijan from historical point of view it is suffice to read following works, which are source of valuable information: "Qarabaghnama" of Mirza Adigozal bey, "History of Garabagh" of Mirza Jamal Bey Javanshir Garabagi, "On political situation in the Garabagh khanate in 1747-1805" of Ahmad Bey Javanshir, "Tarikhi-safi" of Mirza Yusuf Garabagi, "Kitabi-tarikhi-Garabagh" of Mir Mehdi Khazani, "Garabagh powers of Panah khan and Ibrahimkhalil khan and the events of that time" of Rzagulu bay Mirza Jamal oglu, "Tarikhi-jadidi-Garabagh" of Mirza Rahim Fana, "Ahvalati-Garabagh" of M. Baharly, "The history of the Shusha town" Hasan Ikhfa Alizade, " The ancient and modern properties and features of Garabagh region" of Hasanali Khan Qaradagi and "Gulistan-Iram" of Abbasgulu agha Bakhikhanov.
As "Qarabagnama” was chronicle of the events and reflected the events occurred in the history of the same period so they mostly repeat each other. It can not be the in other way. Thorough analysis of chronicles of events allows us to come to a conclusion that as all other Azerbaijani khanate the formation of Garabagh khanate was one of the results of socio-economic and socio-political processes of that period.
Because of "Qarabagnama" were not published for a long period led to its remaining aside from the analysis and study of historian-scientists. While study these valuable historical annals thoroughly one can find valuable information in them related to objective reviewing of complex socio-political processes occurred in the life of Garabagh in XVIII century and the early of XIX century, but also the whole North and South Azerbaijan, South Caucasus and Front Asia, clarification of some darks points, to unmask the insidious lies spread to the world by notorious Armenians.
The analysis of sources clearly proves once again that the Garabagh khanate was established as the feudal state of Azerbaijan and joined the Russian Empire in this way. Kurekchay Treaty dated May 14, 1805 was signed by Khan of Garabagh Ibrahimkhalil khan Javanshir together with the Sisianov.
The authors chronicle provide extensive information about the historical geography of Garabagh, political events taking place inside and outside of it, about historical monuments built in the city during reign of Panahali khan and Ibrahimkhalil khan. This information allows clarifying the history of our nation, welfare, economy, life style and a number of important historical processes occurred in the second half of the XVIII century.

It to be taken into account annals of Mirza Adigozal bey and Mirza Jamal Bey Javanshir Garabagi were written by order of representatives of Russian Empire in the South Caucasus. Both historians Served in state institutions of the Russian Empire. This point requires careful approach to valuable resources in these annals related to the Russian policy in many cases; make them reveal the truth thanks to matching it with other works.
Mirza Adigozal bey’s "Qarabagnama" particularly distinguished for the historical content.
Mirza Jamal Javanshir Garabagi’s "History of Garabagh" work is very rich in comparison with other annals. The author describes in details the periods of reign of Panahali Khan and Ibrahimkhalil khan, gives historical events in a sequence. Mirza Jamal Bey Javanshir in his work reflects in details social and economic status of Garabagh, agriculture, irrigation network, cultivated plants, property of khans and their relatives, income and expenses, the military forces and etc. Mirza Jamal's chronicle despite the limited features of the period of life of an author, in comparison with other "Qarabagnama" has the great advantages.

Mirza Yusuf Garabagi’s "Tarikhi-safi' work does not differ from the previous annals so seriously. He repeats the historical events described by Mirza Adigozal bey and Mirza Jamal Javanshir. Different aspect of the work of the author is that he gives more places to Armenian nationalism in his work. Therefore, the work of Mirza Yusuf Garabagi should be treated more critically.
Work of Ahmad Bey Javanshir "On political situation in the Garabagh khanate in 1747-1805" occupies a special place among other chronicles. It should be noted that the Ahmad Bey Javanshir when speaking about his work noted that sources that he used were works of Mirza Adigozal bey, Mirza Jamal bey and other sources. One of the different features of the work of Javanshir Ahmad bey is that he paid certain attention on the Treaty of Kurekchay. In work of Ahmed bey ill-will against Ibrahimkhalil khan clearly shows itself. The author tries to justify Mohammed bey Javanshir without any reason for that.

"Kitabi-tarikhi-Garabagh" of Mirza Mehdi Khazani is little hard work for the language and style, but from historical context it is very important. He gave more space to issues related to the culture of Garabagh in his work. This is a very important source to create an idyllic picture of the culture of Azerbaijan at the early of the XIX century.
"Garabagh powers of Panah khan and Ibrahimkhalil khan and the events of that time" of Rzagulu bey Mirza Jamal oglu as he confessed, consists of a brief summary of his father's work. But in any case there are a number of additional materials in Rzagulu bey's annals that they may be useful for writing in details the history of that period.
As some parts of "Tarikhi-jadidi-Garabagh" work of Mirza Rahim Fana were not received, so it is impossible to get a full idea on it. In this work the author as if repeats all annals written before. In any case, the chronicle of Rahim Mirza Fana has number patterns in full writing the history Garabagh. The information given in work causes an interest particularly in terms of understanding the socio-political climate of that period.
One of annals written on the history of Garabagh khanate is work of "Ahvalati-Garabagh" of M. Baharlı. The author give more places in his work to its architectural monuments, historical persons, customs and traditions, ethnography rather than history of Garabagh. In conditions of lacks of sources on the culture of Azerbaijan, in particular, on the culture of the Middle Ages, this is a very valuable source.

Hasan Ikhfa Alizade wrote a work "History of Shusha town". In his work he followed the events in the life of Shusha town, the center of Garabagh khanate since laying of its foundation, and translated the stone inscriptions on mosques.
One of the annals dedicated to history of the Garabagh is a work "The ancient and modern properties and features of Garabagh region” of Hasanali khan Qaradagi. This work is very imperfect and incomplete. The author provides little information about the historical monuments of Garabagh.
In work "Gulistan-Iram" of Abbasgulu agha Bakikhanov a lot of historical information relating to the history of Garabagh was collected. The author systematized in very interesting and easy to read form the information gathered on historical geography and ethnography of Garabagh in the fifth chapter of the work.
A. A. Bakikhanov notes that despite local wars during the period of independent states of the khanates, there was some considerable progress in the development of productive forces in the XIX century, and the division of the homeland between the Gadjars and the Romanovs at the first decades of XIX century had a heavy blows on Azerbaijan, its socio-economic, cultural and political life, and by help of Russian colonialists the foundation of our present largest disaster was laid.
"Qarabaghnama" doe not provide information about the Armenian element. Because the Armenian element was brought in Garabagh in the early of the XIX century by the Russian colonialists and the foundation of all disasters with our people for the past 15-20 years was laid namely at that period, at the beginning of the XIX century with resettlement of the Armenians in the territories of Azerbaijan, as well as in Garabagh.

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