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Humanitarian disaster


Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons
250 thousand Azerbaijanis, who lived in the territory of Armenia through the time of history, were all deported to their native lands and took shelter in Azerbaijan as the result of the last ethnical cleansing, carried out by Armenians in 1988-1992s. At the same time 50 thousand Meskheti Turks, exiled from the Central Asia in 1990s, took shelter in Azerbaijan.
 20% of Azerbaijan lands - Daghlig Garabagh and adjacent 7 regions were occupied; 700 thousand compatriots were deprived of permanent residence and became internal displaced persons, taking shelter in 62 towns and regions, and more than 1,600 living stations of the republic, in result of military aggression of Armenian armed forces against our country since 1988.
 There are also 11 thousand persons, seeking for "refugee" status (shelter), in Azerbaijan. Majority of them is Russian citizens of Chechen origin, Afghans and persons from Iran, Irag, Palestine. Thus, there are about million refugees, internal displaced persons and people seeking to get "refugee" status (shelter) in Azerbaijan at present.
Nagorno-Garabagh and adjacent territories, including 1 village of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, 80 villages of Aghdam region, 54 villages of Fizuli region, 13 villages of Tartar region and 6 villages of Gazakh region are still under occupation.

Captives, hostages and missed persons
At a result of investigations carried out by the State Commission on prisoners of war, hostages, and missed persons  since early of 2006 till date the fate of  76 people registered as missed, was clarified and their names were removed from the list if missed persons. Thus by April 18, 2006 the number of captives, missed and hostages was 4600 peoples. From them 3696 are military, 904 civilians.  
From civilians 52 were child (18 minor aged), 394 elders (179 elder women), 99 mid aged women, 359 mid aged men. The information was received about 883 persons from 4600 missed and captives and the evidences of witnesses were taken
1,381 people were released from captivity. 340 of them are women, 1041 men. At the same time 169 are children (65 minor aged), 286 elders (110 elder women), 164 mid aged woman and 775 mid aged men.
While analyzing the material received by the State Commission it was revealed that 451 peoples were killed at captivity or died at various reasons.  From them 86 were women, 365 men, and names of just 124 are known and 69 are unknown persons. 
Persons killed in captivity
The facts, collected by the State Commission on prisoners of war, hostages and missed persons, prove that the international legal norms were ignored in relation with the captured citizens of Azerbaijan. The same applies to the requirements of the Geneva Convention "Regarding defense of war victims" of 1949, which concerns attempts upon life and dignity, any kinds of murders, rough treatment or torturing and disgracing. The massacre of peace population during Armenia's military aggression, terrible physical and psychological tortures, forcing to suicide by means of merciless treatment and regular humiliation, cold-blooded killing and other actions against Azerbaijani prisoners of war, held in the Armenian Republic and occupied Daghlig Garabagh, are obvious evidences of that.

Some of these facts are as follows:
* Armenian military forces shot dead about 80 of 117 people, seized in the Garadaghli village during the Hodjavand occupation (17.02.1992). This was witnessed by village residents Seyyur Khanlar obglu Naghiyev, Shahruz Amirkhan oglu Aliyev and others.
* Hagigat Yusif gizi Huseynova, the resident of Garadaghli village, Khodjavand region, saw how Armenians burned 10 villagers alive on February 10, 1992.
* Urgent order was given from headquarters radio station ("GSM-7") in Vardenis region of Armenia, to the central radio station in Kalbadjar region for all mobile radio stations during Armenian military forces' large-scale attack to Kalbadjar region, Azerbaijan, on April 1, 1993. It was demanded to annihilate and burry all Azerbaijan citizens, who were seized captive, including elderly persons, women and children. This was aimed at hiding the traces of their barbarism towards Azerbaijanis, from international delegation and journalists which were visiting battle fields. The orders given by Armenian commanders were recorded by the Radio Intelligence Service of the Azerbaijan Republic Ministry of National Security on April 6, 1993.
* 15 peaceful residents of Bashlibel village were shot on the spot during the occupation of the Kalbadjar region. 
* According to the evidences of the Ahmadovs family, released from Armenian captivity in 1994, Armenians shot about 25 civilians of Gadjar village, Fuzuli region, before their eyes.
* The Armenian Republic Ministry of Foreign Affairs declared that 8 Azerbaijan prisoners of war were killed at attempt to flee on February 16, 1994. Professor Derek Paunder, the member of the International Law and Social Medicine Academy Presidium and British "Doctors for human rights" organization notified that Azerbaijan prisoners of war were killed in result of shot to temple with the same gun at a short distance and denied the idea that they were killed at attempt to flee at forensic medical examination, made over corpses in Baku.
Former prisoner of war Israyil Sarif oglu Ismayilov confirms that Armenians cut 3 Azerbaijanis' heads off over an Armenian grave

Tortures over the captives
The documents concerning prisoners of war, hostages and missed people from Azerbaijan prove that Armenia has followed a policy of purposeful genocide against the captives and hostages. Hundreds of Azerbaijan citizens, including children, women and elderly persons suffered from the unbearable tortures in the Armenian captivity. Numerous facts show that the prisoners and hostages were subjected to a variety of brutal tortures. They were savagely beaten and intentionally turned into invalids, branded by the red-hot cross. Their nails and teeth were pulled out, the wounds were sprinkle with the salt, they were beat to the death by the rubber and iron bludgeons, the benzene was poured in their veins.

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