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Damages incurred to agriculture


The occupied areas of Daghlig Garabagh represented a large agricultural region within Azerbaijan. Suitable intermountain and foothill plains, plateaus and the occupied parts of the Minor Caucasus create the favorable conditions for development of plant-growing and cattle-breading fields. Grain-growing, fodder production, vine-growing, tobacco-growing, potato-growing, cotton-growing, dairy farming and meat farming, particularly sheep-breeding dominated in the agriculture.
Attention to vine-growing field of the Daghlig Garabagh, developed since ancient times, increased in 1970s. Large specialized sovkhoz-plants with modern techniques was established in connection with development of vine-growing and wine-growing. One of the new commodities in the region was tobacco-growing.

Numbers of agriculture enterprises, including kolkhozes, sovkhozes, agriculture unions and agro firms, operating in the occupied territories, stopped their activity in result of Armenian aggression.
Thus, 311 agriculture enterprises, 145 new established vine and wine sovkhozes, equipped with up-to-date technique and particularly Aghdam horse sovkhoz, bred well known Karabakh pedigree horses, 135 kolkhozes and 31 inter-economy enterprises were ruined in the occupied territories. 1365 trailer transports, 3425 different sowing and trailer tractors, grain and cotton combiners etc., presented material-technical base of agriculture and not available for farmer by their current prices remained in the occupied territories.
7296 hydraulic units, 36 pumping stations, 26 irrigation systems, 18 head plants of irrigation system, inter-economic irrigation channels of 1200 km, 5600 km intra-economic systems were destroyed, 127,7 thousand hectares fertile lands remained..
Eventually, 14,3% of grain, 31,5% of vine, 14,5% of meat, 17,1% of milk, 19,3 of wool and 17% of cocoon, produced in the Azerbaijan Republic, fell to the share of the occupied regions. Ecologically pure and qualitative products were produced in these regions.

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