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» Consequences of the conflict
Consequences of the conflict![]() As a result of military aggression of the Republic of Armenia Nagorno-Karabakh of Republic of Azerbaijan, and adjacent 7 administrative regions came under occupation. The occupied territories of Azerbaijan in 1988-1993: Nagorno-Karabakh: occupation dates - 1988-1993, the area of 4400 sq. km. (Shusha, Khankendi, Khojaly, Askeran, Khojavend, Agdara); Lachin: occupation dates occupied History - May 17, 1992, territory - 1875 sq km; Kelbajar region: occupation dates - April 2, 1993, territory - 1936 sq km Aghdam region: occupation dates - July 23, 1993, territory - 1154 sq km; Jabrail region: occupation dates - August 23, 1993, territory - 1050 sq km; Fizuli region: occupation dates - August 23, 1993, territory - 1139 sq km; Gubadly region: occupation dates - August 31, 1993, the area - 826 sq km; Zangilan region: occupation dates - October 30, 1993, the area - 707 sq. km. So, as a result of the aggression of Armenia 20% of the Azerbaijani territory was occupied, more than 20 thousand people perished, over 50 thousand wounded and became the invalids, More than 1 million people became victims of ethnic cleansing and genocide policy of Armenia against Azerbaijanis living as refugees and IDP-s, were deprived of elementary human rights. As a result of the occupation of more than 900 villages were plundered and burned and destroyed, 6 thousand industrial and agricultural enterprises and other facilities have been destroyed, 150 thousand residential buildings with total living space of more than 9 million m2 were destroyed, and 4366 social and cultural objects, at the same time 695 medical centers were destroyed. Agricultural area in the occupied territories, water, agriculture, hydro-technical facilities, all transportation and communication lines were completely destroyed. As a result of destruction economy lost more than $ 60 billion in damage. 927 libraries, 464 historical monuments and museums, and more than 100 archeological monuments, 6 state theaters and concert studios were destroyed in Azerbaijani territories seized during the occupation and military aggression. More than 40 valuable items and unique exhibits were plundered and stolen from museums. Thus, the regional museum of history of Kelbajar was razed to the ground and rare gold and silver jewelry of the last centuries; woven carpets from the exhibits of the museum were taken to Armenia. History museum in Shusha, Agdam Bread museum, the Museum of stone monuments in Zangilan had the same fate. It is impossible to assess in money the value of stolen and destroyed historical and cultural resources. In other words, the Republic of Armenia severe violates the provisions of Hague Convention "On protection of cultural values during armed conflicts" and the Paris Convention on "The illegal trafficking of cultural resources” and continues to loot Azerbaijani cultural wealth. Resolutions 822, 853, 874, 884 of the United Nations Security Council adopted in 1993 despite the the recognition of the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and the unconditional liberation of the occupied Azerbaijani territories were required, Republic of Armenia to this day continues policy of occupation. Armenian military forces at the occupied territories Tank 316 Artillery units 322 ACV 324 Personal staff - 40 000 İllegally settled population in the occupied territories: Nagorno-Karabakh, 8, 500 Lachin 13 000 Kalbajar 700 Zangilan 520 Jabrayil 280 In total 23 000 Nagorno-Garabagh and adjacent territories, including 1 village of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, 80 villages of Aghdam region, 54 villages of Fizuli region, 13 villages of Tartar region and 6 villages of Gazakh region are still under occupation.