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Damages incurred to culture


The military forces of Armenia, raised unfounded territorial claims against the Azerbaijan Republic in early 1990s, and broking international norms, occupied 20 percent of the territory of our country that was officially recognized by the UN member-countries, barbarously destroyed national culture monuments.
The first human dwellings like the well known caves Azikh and Taghlar, burial mounds Garakopak, Uzarliktapa, located in the occupied territory, are expressly used for military purposes and destroyed. Cemeteries, mausoleums, monuments, mosques, temples, monuments belonged to the Caucasus Albania and other national culture heritage in the territory of the occupied regions Shusha, Lachin, Kalbadjar, Gubadli, Zangilan, Fuzuli were destroyed along with burial mounds in the regions Khodjali, Aghdam, Aghdara, Fuzuli, Jabrayil.
Armenian vandals destroyed Ashaghi and Yukhari Govharagha, Kocharli, Mardinli, Juma mosques, museum houses of genius composer Uzeyir Hadjibayov and founder of professional vocal art Bulbul, Khurshud Banu Natavan's palace complex, estates of Firudin bay Kocharli and the Zohrabbayovs, poet, artist and scientist Mir Movsun Navvab's house, ancient cemetery, mausoleum of great poet and vizier of Karabakh khan M.P.Vagif, majority of dwelling houses with eastern architecture peculiarity in the territory of historical-architectural reserve Shusha, Panah khan's estate, Juma mosque in Aghdam, palaces of Hamza Sultan and Soltan Ahmad, mosques, sanctuaries and temples, stone statues, ancient graves, burial mounds, dwelling houses representing historical importance in Lachin, and took transportable material culture monuments to Yerevan.

Destroying of our material culture monuments in the occupied territories is continuing till nowadays. Occupiers conduct wide-scale and unprofessional archeological excavations, destroy burial mounds, conveyed loot to Armenia. 13 monuments of universal importance (6 architectural and 7 archeological ones), 292 of state importance (119 architectural and 173 archeological) and 330 of local importance (270 architectural, 22 archeological, 23 parks, monumental and memorial monuments, 15 decorative art examples) remained in the ancient Azerbaijan lands Daghlig Garabagh and adjacent regions, occupied by Armenian terrorists.
Besides, 22 museums, where were collected 40 thousand exhibits, 927 libraries with 4,6 million books, 808 clubs, 4 theatres and 2 concert places, 8 culture and rest parks, 4 picture galleries, 85 musical schools, 103.2 thousand furniture equipments, 5640 musical instruments, 481 cinema units, 20 movie cameras, 423 videotape recorders, 5920 national male and female cloths, 40 loudspeakers, 25 large and 40 small attractions remained under occupation.
General damage caused to our republic, excepting immovable historical and culture monuments, the value of which is impossible to determine, accounts 23 trillion 680 million manats or US$ 6 billion 71 million. 
The Aghdam Bread museum, the only in the former USSR, was razed to the ground during bombing of the town. About 13 thousand valuable and rare exhibits of the world-famed Kalbadjar historical and study of local lore museum, about 5 thousand exhibits of the Lachin historical and study of local lore museum were taken to Armenia.
Hard blow was stroke in our morality in result of occupation of Shusha. 8 museums, 31 libraries, 8 culture houses were destroyed and ruined only in Shusha.
About 5 thousand exhibits of the Shusha historical museum, about 1000 exhibits of the Shusha branch of the Azerbaijan Carpet and Popular Applied Art State museum, the State Karabakh Historical museum, more than 300 exhibits of the museum house of composer Uzeyir Hadjibayov, the founder of professional Azerbaijan music, more than 400 exhibits of the museum house of founder of vocal art Bulbul, more than 100 exhibits of the memorial museums of famous musician and artist Mir Movsum Navvab, more than 2 thousand exhibits of the Aghdam historical and study of local lore, more than 3 thousand exhibits of the Gubadli historical and study of local lore museum, about 6 thousand exhibits of the Zangilan historical and study of local lore museum were looted. The memorial museum of famous Azerbaijan musician Gurban Pirimov in the Agdam region, the historical and study of local lore museums of the Jabrayil, Fuzuli, Khodjali regions were destroyed as well.
Valuable exhibits, pictures and sculptures, world famed Azerbaijan carpets, memorial objects of well known Azerbaijan persons and other valuable exhibits were in the museums, looted by Armenian aggressors.
Funds of the Shusha, Lachin and Gubadli art galleries, consisted of works of famous Azerbaijan artists and sculptors, were also destroyed.
Armenian aggressors, demonstrating special barbarism, conveyed statues of great Azerbaijan music workers Uzeyir Hadjibayov and Bulbul, as well as poetess Khurshud Banu Natavan from Shusha to the territory of Armenia. These monuments were shot and damaged with heavy technique in contradictory to all moral norms. They were hardly brought to Baku and now demonstrated in the Fine Art Museum.
It is impossible to determine the price of these destroyed, ancient, irreplaceable, valuable, culture monuments of Azerbaijan people. Preservation of history and culture monuments, remained in the Azerbaijan Republic territory as memory of our people's centuries-old history, is problem of international importance as Azerbaijan people's cultural heritage is integral part of the world culture.
Destroying and intentional damaging of history and culture monuments by Armenian aggressors in the occupied territories of the Azerbaijan Republic is contradict to the Hague Convention "Concerning preservation of cultural values during armed conflicts" of 1954, European Convention "Concerning preservation of archeological heritage" of 1992, UNESCO Convention "Concerning preservation of world cultural and natural heritage" of 1972.

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