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Rivers taking their sources from the Karabakh territory flow into the rivers Kur and Araz or the rivers mostly concerning to their basin. High tops of the mountains located here form watershed between the Kur and the Araz. Rivers there are mainly fed with rain or snow-waters and are used for irrigation. The Tartar and the Hakari rivers take their sources from volcanic plateau. The Arpachay (128 km.) and the Bazarchay (178km.) sources are in the north-west of the plateau. These rivers are mostly fed with rain, ground waters or underground waters. Therefore they overflow in hot months of the year. The Tartarchay, the Hachinchay, the Gargarchay, the Hakarichay, the Okhchuchay assume great importance in irrigating of Mil and Karabakh plains.

The Tartarchay takes its source from the region of Kalbajar. It flows through Agdara, Tartar, and Barda regions and flows into the Kur. The branches of the river are: the Tutgu, the Lev, the Ayrim rivers. The difference between the height of the source and mouth of the river is 3117 metres. Sarsang Water Reservoir has been built over the river.

The Hachinchay beginning from the region of Kalbajar and running through Agdam, Tartar and Barda regions flows into the river Kur. The total length is 119 km-s. The height difference between its source and mouth is 2900 m.

The Kondalanchay takes its source from the territory of Shusha region, runs through Hojavend and Fizuli regions, flows into the Araz River. Being the left branch of the Araz its length is 102 km. The height difference between its source and mouth is 1780 m.

The Bargushad River takes its source from the Republic of Armenia, runs through Kalbajar, Gubadli and Zangilan regions and flows into the river Araz. Being the left branch of the Araz its length is 164 km. Agha Bakhiyarli and Davudlu small rivers join it in Gubadli region. The river is polluted due to waste and industrial waters poured here from big settlements located around the river (in the territory of Armenia). River pollution in the territory of Armenia has caused the fish in the river to die out. In most cases fishes are killed en masse by chemicals.

Taking its source from the 3080m height of the region Lachin the Hakari river runs through the regions of Gubadli and Zangilan. Being the left branch of the river Araz its length is 128 km. The height difference between the source and mouth is 2812m. Its water is used for the purpose of irrigation and drinking. Valuable fishes like farel, omul and others spawn in this river.

Taking its source from the Zangilan mountain range (Gapijik Mountain) the Okhchuchay runs through the territory of Zangilan region. Being the left branch of the river Araz its length is 85 km.
Waste waters from Gajaran copper–molybdenum factory, Gafan copper ore refinery in the territory of Republic of Armenia and biological sewerage of Gafan-Gajaran cities (including of villages, hospitals, agricultural objects) flow in Okhchuchay in front of Sharikan village in the territory of Azerbaijan without purification, which made the river basin “dead zone”.

The Basitchay takes its source from the Pepublic of Armenia and flows into the river Araz. The length of the river is 44 km (17 km belongs to Azerbaijan territory). The river is polluted with the pig farm garbages of the mountain villages of Armenia.

The Gargar River takes its beginning from the 2080 m height in Shusha and runs through Khankendi, Khojali, Agdam and Aghjabedi territories. Joining of the Khalfali and Zarisli rivers forms the river Qarqar. The height difference between its source and mouth is 2080 m. The major branches are: the Ballija, the Badara, the Dagdaga, etc.

The Chaylagchay is the left branch of the river Araz. The river flows through the territory of Jabrayil region. Its length is 32 meter. It takes beginning from the south foot of the Small Caucasus (1750 m). It is fed with rain-water. As the Chaylagchay is widely used for irrigation the river doesn’t reach its mouth.

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