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The lakes of Karabakh are mostly of glacial origin. They mainly were formed in parts of the Murovdagh and Dalidagh at 2800-3500 meters of height. They are fed mainly by snow and glacier waters, all sweet and juicy. These lakes are:

Boyuk Alagel is located at Karabakh volcanic plateau, at 2729 m. above sea level. The longest part of the lake is 3.7 km, widest part is more than 9 meters, and the lake’s volume is 24.3 million cubic meters.

Kichik Alagel is located at a height of 2739 m. The surface area of the lake is 1.2 km ², the deepest part is 4 meters. Around of Boyuk and Kichik Alagel lakes are the alpine meadows

In the north-eastern slope of the Ishiqli mountain, at 2666 meters above sea level Garagol is located. Ishiqli Garagol is located at region on the border of Lachin region of the Republic of Azerbaijan with Armenian Gorus region, and considered as border lake. It is one of the high-mountain lakes of particular interest. The area of the lake is 1.8 km², the volume is 10.2 million. cubic meters, the deepest part is 10 meters. is

Relatively small lake Parichinqil is located at the Karabakh volcanic plateau, at 2961 m. absolute height of. Its volume is 2.4 million. m, the surface area is 0.94 km ², and the deepest part is 5.4 m.

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