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Nature reserves



Following state nature reserves function in the area of Karabagh region of Azerbaijan:

Lachin region State Nature Reserve
The Lachin State Nature Reserve was established on the territory of Lachin region. In order to protect and expand the number of animals and birds here, the territory was granted status as a reserve in November 1961. The total area of the reserve is 21,400 hectares.. The territory of the state reserve is also home to roe deer, Caucasian goats, wild pigs, bears, partridges, willow grouses, wood grouses and other rare animal species. The 21,370-hectare reserve has a terrain typical of medium and high mountains.
An inspection held at the reserve in 1989 registered 96 Caucasian goats (bezoar goats), 360 wild boars, 320 roe deer, 110 bears, a large number of wolves, badgers, squirrels, rabbits and others animals and 200 pheasants, 1,500 willow grouses, quails, wood-pigeons and other birds.
An inspection held in 1991 noted that the number of animals and birds had fallen due to hunting by the occupying forces. It has been observed that many species have been wiped out since the late 1990s.
The Hajishamli forest on the territory of the game reserve has the world's most valuable oak tree – the red oak (golden oak). In order to use this tree, under tsarist rule the French had built a road for carts in impassable mountains going through Mount Qirkhqiz from Khankandi. However, after the establishment of Soviet rule, they could not export wood any more.
Currently, the reserve is occupied by the Armenian armed forces and its activity has been halted.

The Qubadli State Nature Reserve
The Qubadli State Nature Reserve is one of the largest reserves in Azerbaijan. It was established on the territory of Qubadli and Lachin regions in July 1969. This reserve covers the northern part of Qubadli District – the villages of Basarat, Deshtahat, Muradkhanli and Amudurkh, the southern part of Lachin District – the villages of Farajan, Ashagi Farajan, Suarasi Qishlaq and Khanlar, and mountainous areas in the villages of Khojabird, Arpa Galdik and Tag in Nagorno Karabakh. Its area is 20,000 hectares.
Oak, walnut-tree, hornbeam, birch, juniper and hawthorn trees and dog-rose and blackberry shrubs are common here. It must be noted that the lush woods create favourable conditions for animals here. Gazelles, roe deer, goats, wild sheep, wild pigs, brown bears, leopards, lynxes, wolves, foxes, jackals, badgers, rabbits, partridges, pheasant, willow grouses, quails, forest roosters and hens are regarded as permanent residents of these forests.
The reserve is currently occupied by the Armenian armed forces and its activity has been halted completely.
The invaders chop off red oak trees in Lachin and Qubadli districts, export them for the production of brandy, use walnut trees for the production of furniture and hunt wild animals en masse.

The Dashalti State Nature Reserve
The Dashalti State Nature Reserve was established on the territory of Shusha and Asgaran by the 24 November 1981 special resolution (in 1988). Its area is 450 hectares. Shusha city and Shusha District are one of Azerbaijan's lushest and picturesque places rich in historical monuments. Their protection as a model territory is of special importance in terms of nature and history.
The territory of the reserve is a natural museum of woods, shrubs and grasses. Oak, hornbeam, birch, ash-tree, hawthorn, dog-rose, cornel, medlar, apple, bear, cherry-plum and other trees and shrubs normally develop here. The territory is rich in medicinal and rare plants.
It is populated by roe deer, wild pigs, rabbits, wolves, jackals and dozens of bird species. The reserve has been occupied by the Armenian armed forces since 1992 and has been totally destroyed.

The Arazboyu State Nature Reserve

The Arazboyu State Nature Reserve was established in June 1993 on the Iranian border in Zangilan region. It is subordinate to the Basitchay State Nature Reserve. Its length is 50 km, width – 50-100 metres and 200-250 metres in some places. The territory of this reserve is 2,200 hectares.
The main purpose in establishing the reserve was to protect tuqay forests, local flora and fauna, maintain the water balance in the area and secure biodiversity.
The approximate number of animals was calculated here before the occupation. It became known that there were 300 wild pigs, seven brown bears, 350 foxes, 300 jackals, 15 wolves, 70 badgers and 12 roe deer here. There were also birds like partridge, pheasants, willow grouses and green-headed ducks here.
The reserve is currently occupied by the Armenian armed forces and its activity has been halted completely.

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