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OSCE document, Mar 24, 1992


Conference for Security and Co-operation in Europe First additional meeting of the Council
Helsinki, March 1992

Summary of Conclusions
1. The Ministers expressed their deep concern about the continuing escalation of the armed conflict
in and around Nagorno-Karabakh and the resulting increased suffering and loss of life of the inhabitants.
They held an extensive discussion of ways and means to end the conflict, bearing in mind the
implications for regional and international security which could result from its continuation and further
extension. They called upon all parties to exercise restraint.
2. The Ministers reiterated in the strongest terms the call for an immediate and effective cease-fire
including an active commitment by responsible local commanders to its implementation. They issued an
appeal for the re-establishment of conditions for confidence and constructive dialogue, including the
cessation of measures of economic and political constraint.
3. The Ministers reviewed the ongoing action within the CSCE framework and endorsed in their
entirety the decisions taken by the Committee of Senior Officials. They expressed their appreciation for
the activities of the Chairman-in-Office of the CSCE undertaken in this connection and stressed their
willingness to extend all possible assistance to him whenever it is needed.
4. The Ministers welcomed the complementary efforts made by the European Community and its
member States, by the member States of the Commonwealth of Independent States, by the members of
the North Atlantic Co-operation Council, and, in particular, the efforts made by the United Nations
They requested the Chairman-in-Office of the CSCE to keep in close contact with the United
Nations in this respect and to arrange for regular exchanges of information.
The Ministers agreed that the CSCE must play a major role in promoting a peace process relating to
the conflict. They agreed that the situation in and around Nagorno-Karabakh requires further CSCE
5. The Ministers mandated the Chairman-in-Office of the CSCE Council of Ministers, Mr. Jiri
Dienstbier, to visit the region shortly in order to contribute, in particular, to the establishment and
maintenance of an effective cease-fire as well as to the establishment of a framework for an overall
peaceful settlement.
6. The Ministers expressed their firm conviction that a conference on Nagorno-Karabakh under the
auspices of the CSCE would provide an ongoing forum for negotiations towards a peaceful settlement of
the crisis on the basis of the principles, commitments and provisions of the CSCE. The Ministers
therefore requested the Chairman-in-Office of the CSCE Council of Ministers to convene such a
conference as soon as possible.
7. The Ministers furthermore agreed that this Conference, which will take place in Minsk, will have
as participants Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Czech and Slovak Federal Republic, France, Germany,
Italy, Russian Federation, Sweden, Turkey and United States of America. Elected and other
representatives of Nagorno-Karabakh will be invited to the Conference as interested parties by the
Chairman of the Conference after consultation with the States participating at the Conference. The
Chairman-in-Office of the CSCE Council will appoint the Chairman of the Conference on Nagorno-
Karabakh under the auspices of the CSCE.
8. The Ministers urged all CSCE participating States and all concerned parties to take all necessary
steps to ensure that humanitarian assistance is provided to all those in need through rapid and effective
means including safe corridors under international control.
9. The Ministers noted the commitment of Armenia and Azerbaijan to fully support the mission of
the Chairman-in-Office of the CSCE Council to the region as well as other actions on which the CSCE
Council has agreed and appeal to these two countries to pursue actively this commitment to reach a lasting, peaceful solution.

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