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OSCE document, Dec 8, 1995


Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, the 5th Council of Ministers Meeting  
Budapest, December 8, 1995

The decision of the OSCE on Minsk process the Council of Ministers
- confirms that the OSCE Minsk process is the only forum for the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict;
- welcomes the  wills of parties to the conflict  to comply with cease-fire established on May 12, 1994;
- calls all parties to immediately release all persons detained in connection with the conflict and captives, and providing conditions for free visiting of  all places of detention of persons at custody by the International Committee of the Red Cross;
- supports the efforts of the Minsk Conference Co-Chairs on achieving a political agreement for the cessation of armed conflict without delay in coordination with acting Chairman. 
The implementation of such agreement will eliminate main results of the conflict for all parties and in a short period of time will permit the convening of the Minsk Conference. The signing of the agreement will allow to make a decision on the conduct of peacekeeping operations of the OSCE,  basing on valuable recommendations of High Level Planning Group, required for continuation of the work of the Permanent Council;
-  welcomes it the commitment expressed in the establishment of direct contacts, coordination with co-chairmen in order to get agreement on the principles of conflict resolution, and  urges to realize, it as soon as possible: and 
- takes into account the preparation of the parties to consider  the most important issues in order to get a compromise between them as soon as possible

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