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OSCE document, Dec 4, 2001


Ninth Meeting of the Ministerial Council
3 and 4 December 2001

Bucharest Ministerial Declaration
Decision on Combating Terrorism and the
Bucharest Plan of Action for Combating Terrorism
Statements by the Ministerial Council
Decisions of the Bucharest Ministerial Council Meeting
Reports to the Bucharest Ministerial Council Meeting
1. We express deep concern at the failure to achieve a settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict
despite the intensified dialogue between the parties and active support of the Minsk Group Co-Chairs. We
reaffirm that the prompt resolution of this protracted conflict will contribute to lasting peace, security,
stability and co-operation in the South Caucasus region.
2. We reiterate the importance of continuing the peace dialogue and call upon the sides to continue
their efforts to achieve an early resolution of the conflict based on norms and principles of international
law. We also encourage the parties to explore further measures that would enhance mutual confidence
and trust, including the release of POWs.
3. We welcome the commitment of the parties to the ceasefire and to achieving a peaceful and
comprehensive settlement. We encourage the parties to continue their efforts, with the active support of the Co-Chairs, aimed at reaching a just and enduring settlement.

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